2024 WMA ARES Simulated Emergency Test Tentatively Scheduled

The Western Massachusetts ARES Section will be holding a Simulated Emergency Test next month.  The tentative date is Sunday, 10 November though that is subject to change.  The test will involve stations reporting damage after a severe storm and flooding.

Further information will follow on the WMA ARES email list and on normally scheduled WMA ARES nets.

Thanks and 73,
Chuck Chandler WS1L
WMA ARES Section Emergency Coordinator

Section Manager’s Report October 2024

Hello earthlings! It’s October and it’s that time for raking leaves, cooler weather, and NEAR-Fest which is on the 4th and 5th. Remember, it is at a new location in New Boston, NH. Hope to see you there.

If anyone is interested in Traffic Handling, I am hosting a training session on how to send, receive traffic and net controls. This will be joined by Marcia KW1U and Bob KC1KVY and Shawn N1CVO from the Heavy Hitters Net which is held every weeknight at 2145 hours. This is to provide the training for those interested but also, I am hoping to encourage hams in participating in this time-honored part of our hobby, to bring more traffic to our nets and to volunteer in being net control, and other functions. If you are not aware, ever since I started as your Section Manager, I have had no one step up to be our Section Traffic Manager locally within our section. Marcia from EMA has been so kind to help us with that and I am grateful for that. We really do need one in our section.

My intent this month was to get some club visits in but have been having some family issues to deal with. I do apologize and will try to get out there soon. Keep trying to make your meetings interesting and in the Hollywood terms, “Leave them wanting more!” Look to sources locally and nationally for ideas. Move the meeting to a Saturday or Sunday and have a foxhunt, POTA activation, antenna party, etc. Sure beats the “old business, new business” meetings. Many clubs now are adopting separate business meetings, or having business meetings every few months and there is no harm in that.

If you are not aware the ARRL New England Division election is here and it is a contest. Fred Kemmerer AB1OC is the incumbent and Tom Frenaye K1KI is the challenger. An email was sent from the League and a postcard will be also sent. This is now an electronic ballot process with the option to get a mail ballot by following the instructions sent to you. Please do some homework and make an informed decision. Your vote counts!

Our ARES program is getting a little noisier with the help from Chuck WS1L. He has been working on MUCH improved communication to all the members and are getting more interest in EMCOMM. There is a couple of served agencies that are getting involved as well. We have been creating standards that are in line with SAFECOM and an updated task book is now in place. Thank you, Chuck, for all your efforts!

So that’s enough noise from me. Think about volunteering for something or think about a bigger, more active club. Thanks to those that have worked hard in our section.

73, Ray AA1SE

ARRL New England Division Director Elections

Greetings all,

As you know, we have an election for the division director to serve the next three years here in New England. Fred Kemmerer AB1OC is the incumbent and Tom Frenaye K1KI is the challenger. Below I have an message from Phil Temples K9HI as to the elections with instruction on voting as it will be electronic with a mail option. Please read.

Your vote counts and I urge you to do your research in your selection for New England’s Director.

Thank you!

WMA Section Manager

Within the next week or so, you should be receiving voting instructions for the ARRL New England Director election. ARRL has contracted with Election Services Corporation (ESC) to conduct the election, and for the first time we’ll be able to vote online. ESC will send postcards to eligible members with the instructions on how to use their online voting site to access candidate statements, photos, and the electronic ballot. The postcard will also have instructions for requesting a paper ballot if preferred. Members with an email address on file with ARRL will receive the postcard and an email message from ESC. Members without an email address on file will receive only the postcard.

ESC provides the online voting website, collects and processes electronic and paper ballots, and computes the election results. If you require assistance or have questions, ESC will provide help. You can contact ESC at (866) 720-4357, or via email: ARRLElection@ElectionServicesCorp.com.

To ensure you get a ballot, you should review the email and mailing addresses associated with your ARRL membership by going to www.arrl.org/myARRL. You must be logged in to the ARRL website to view your account.

Ballots (paper or electronic) must be received by noon on November 15, 2024.

Phil Temples, K9HI

NTS Training on Zoom

Interested in NTS and Traffic Handling? Join us Monday, October 14 at 7PM on Zoom and receive training.

Hosted by Ray AA1SE (ARRL Western MA Section Manager) and joined by Marcia KW1U (Eastern MA, Western MA and RI Section Traffic Manager), Bob KC1KVY, and Shawn N1CVO, we will provide the training on the basics of proper handling of NTS traffic as well as participating on a net. This will be a combination of videos and open discussion to get started in this aspect of the hobby that’s been around for over 100 years. All ham operators are invited to join whether you are experienced or not. Below, please find the link for this training. This will be first come-first served and limited to 100 participants. We hope to see you on Zoom. Any questions email Ray AA1SE at aa1se@arrl.net.

Topic: NTS Traffic Training

Time: Oct 14, 2024 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 863 9116 7095
Passcode: 346199

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  • +1 669 444 9171 US
  • +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)

Meeting ID: 863 9116 7095

Passcode: 346199

Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kdFNo1lp7D

Section Manager’s Report September 2024

Well, here it is. The end of summer 2024. Wow, did it scream by! It also was a toasty one too. How many operated at the beach?

I have pretty much recovered from HamXposition. Again, I was a lovely shade of red. That is a HOT parking lot! Why do I do this you ask? Well, yes, I do sell treasures and make some coin, but there is another good reason and that’s the opportunity to mentor. I cannot tell you how many times a new ham is looking for information on antennas, wire, connections, even first radio. The time out there is worth it if a newbie gets on the air.

The convention again was another winner. More vendors, forums and people. It was great to see a lot of acquaintances as well as making new friendships. Sunday, I had my WMA forum and the 20 or so people got updates as to what I have been doing and Chuck WS1L also talked about ARES. All in all, it was well received. And I did it without PowerPoints! The early number showed ticket sales and attendance was up from last year and word was they already maxed out the hotel. They are looking at the trade center up the street with shuttle service. This can equate to more vendors coming to it. The Space Weather Lady did a great job in presenting her talk. It was not geeky as some have been and at times quite funny. Don’t miss next year. Your participation is what’s driving its success.

I wish to ask those that do VE sessions, club officers, and other related items to look at your programs and see if you can start, upgrade, expand your mentoring. I run a VE session and what I do is have a separate sheet to add the candidates name, town and email. When the person passes the test, I then email the nearby club at let them know there is a new ham and to reach out to them and invite them to the club. I give the person a mentoring guide, an ARRL membership application and my card and spend time talking to them. These are important things to welcome a new ham and to get them started. Not only will your club benefit but the newbie will feel their time studying was well worth it. Doing these things have already shown signs of success. These efforts by all will only make your club grow and be more active. If more VE’s and clubs do this, who knows what they will look like.

With September rolling in is the start of club meeting season. As I have likely mentioned before a good meeting should have some agenda and not just toss around stories of “back in the day” It does not have to be old/new business all the time. Refreshments are a bonus. A presentation is recommended. Whether is from a member or from outside. How about a subject or an activity to teach newer hams. Mix it up. Have no one? There is a TON of presentations online. Having a lively meeting program will keep them coming next month. Live demonstrations even a homebrew/kit build night. Offer up some prizes.

That’s enough for now. Don’t sit on the easy chair and say “someone else will do it” That someone else is YOU! Mentor the future of radio, help grow your club.

Thanks, and 73,

NoBARC Hamfest August 11

The Northern Berkshire Amateur Radio Club will be holding it’s annual hamfest on Sunday, August 11.  The hamfest will be held at the George Bowe Field (Adams Agricultural Fair Grounds), located directly off of Route 8 in Adams, MA.

Gates open at 6:30 AM for vendors and sellers, 7:00 AM for buyers.  Admission is $5 for adult, kids under 12 are free.  Sellers and vendors cot will be an additional $10. Talk-in will be on the K1FFK Mt. Greylock repeater, 146.91 MHz, PL 162.2. There will be an amateur radio exam session at 9:00 AM at the hamfest, for anyone wishing to get licensed or upgrade.

Further details available on the hamfest flyer.

Section Manager’s Report August 2024

Hello, we are now getting to a busy month as clubs are having gatherings, doing POTA activations and working on your tan. Radio in the summer has all kinds of opportunities. Hope you partake in some of them.

The League is still having issues within their system. LOTW and the Learning Center and others are functioning but other thing may be some time before it is restored. One item is my aa1se@arrl.org email address. It appears other hams can contact me directly with it but within the system it does not. So section emails are not working. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE tell others to come to this website for information, and to use ray.aa1se@gmail.com for email. Thanks in advance.

Speaking of the Learning Center, I just took the basic and intermediate EMCOMM courses that was just released. I really liked how they put it together and its ease to get through it. I highly encourage you to go to https://learn.arrl.org/ to access these and other offerings and take advantage of some good, free education on radio.

As it is August, we come to the part of summer where our thoughts turn to our annual HamXposition convention. Would you believe this thing has been around for 100 years! This year is looking to be better than last year. Huge thanks go out to ALL those that organizes this event. As usual I will be there in the flea market selling my goodies and Sunday I will be indoors. Stop on over and say hi. 9AM on Sunday Chuck W1SL and myself will have our WMA forum. I would like to see more than a dozen attend. I will have a couple of items but for the most part it is YOUR meeting. What do you want to know, what do you want us to do for you, suggestions, feedback. This is a good spot for it. So, I hope to see you there and not the crickets.

I hope everyone is having a great summer and doing all the things you wanted to do…as long as you have radio stuff with you! Hi-hi! Enjoy and see you at the convention!


Section Manager’s Report July 2024

Hi there, I meant to write this right after Field Day! Whoops! Been busy, Geritol wore out, senility, your choice.

So, June and July are here and we have had heat, rain, humidity, I guess that means we had Field Day. Yep, another toasty, wet event. Good news is we survived! Yours truly did take the tour and visited all the sites. All in all, it was pretty successful. My visit to HCRA site was met with one nasty storm and spent the visit under an easy-up on top of a picnic table. I would of rather see the bear!

A special shout out is to the Mt Tom ARA site. It is surprising what a few people and a new Field Day site will do. Two years ago, they were struggling even with their hamfest. They have found new life! Membership is growing and their field day is a very active one at the Blandford Fairgrounds. They have a great arrangement there. Hat’s off to you! Well done! This is what you get with members participating and getting it done. Clubs take notice!

The ARRL has been feeling a great deal of pain with the cyberattack they got on May 17 and is still not completely resolved. The Learning Center, phones, etc are back and only now LOTW is back online. Needless to say, the number of nay-sayers has been having their own field day by taking their half-truths, gossip, rumors and splattering it on social media. This is NOT how we should be acting as hams! This organization has far many more benefits to offer and should get our support. Think about what this attack has cost the league in restoral services, lost revenue, etc. That price increase is small to what they are going through right now. The FBI are working on investigating this and not sure if the other attacks we have heard about are related. Please be patient as we ride out the storm. By the way, my arrl.org email has not been working as a result. Email me at ray.aa1se@gmail.com if you need to reach me.

I just completed my first effort in participating in the 13 Colonies special event. Thanks Larry W1AST for the invite. (I think 😊) I actually worked all days and racked up 1067 contacts. The best day was the last one where I was on FT8 on 15 meters and hit the mother-load of DX! Multiple AK, even got China, a ton of JA, and more! I know, it’s old hat for some of you but it was a treat for me. (One of the reasons I’m late for getting this out sooner) I used this opportunity to use a different station setup and learn new things. (One is laptops can be finiky!)

Clubs this time are enjoying a break from meeting. Do plan on some summertime activities and operate. POTA has been booming lately, and as I indicated I have been working on different setups to see how it does. Good practice for the mad scientist skills. Good thing to do indoors or out. Remember, heat can make things wonky including yourself so be safe out there.

Till next time, 73