New CW Slow Speed CW Traffic Net

Want an opportunity to practice your newly acquired CW skills or brush up on old skills once learned but not used for many years?

Learn and practice the art and skill of handling written messages, and have some fun along the way. You’ve asked for it and now we are reviving a slow speed CW traffic net. It is called MARISN or Massachusetts Rhode Island Slow Net and it will be meeting four evenings a week on Monday, Tuesday, Friday and Saturday at 8:30 PM local time on 3598 KHz. Rob K2MZ has offered to organize and manage this net. He has been a successful teacher of CW and has been active on our various traffic nets. He is welcoming all comers.

Come join us beginning Monday March 22, 2021. Looking forward to seeing you there.


Newcomers Roundtable Net Starting on the NoBARC Repeater

North Berkshire Amateur Radio Club (NoBARC) is once again starting their Newcomers Roundtable on the Mt. Greylock Repeater.

Specifically, the net is to provide a forum for new ham radio operators to ask questions, learn how to operate in a net environment, and meet hams that have been around for a while with plenty of experience and advise to share.

The net is held on the first Sunday of the month and if proven popular may also be held on the third Sunday as well.

The net meets at 6:00 PM local time. The net meets on the Mt. Greylock repeater, 146.91/-600, 162.2 CTCSS. Also you can connect with Echolink at K1FFK-R. For more information contact Net Manager Dave Foley W1TTT.

HCRA Health and Welfare Net

The Hampden County Radio Association will be conducting a Health and Welfare Net beginning on Tuesday May 5. The net will take place every Tuesday and Friday morning at 11:00 AM. We will continue the net for as long as there is support or need. The purpose of the net is to inform colleagues and friends of your health and welfare as well as to check on people you have not heard from recently due to social distancing. The net is open to all licensed amateurs regardless of affiliation and we encourage you to check in.

The HCRA Health and Welfare Net will be held on the Holyoke Soldier’s Home W1BR repeater on a frequency of 146.715 Mhz, PL of 100.0 and negative offset. This repeater was chosen to honor the memory of the veterans from the Soldiers Home who have passed from the corona virus. If anyone would like to become a Net Control Station on a rotating basis or even for only 1 time, perhaps to honor the memory of a family member or friend, please email:

Additional information is available on HCRA’s website.

Looking for Local Net Information

Hi everyone,

I am looking to add to our website a listing of all the nets in the state as well as within the listening footprint. These can be casual, emergency, hf or repeater nets. The Eastern Ma website has a good one available and want to combine them with what we get so anyone has a means to see whats there for nets.

The purpose is to give new hams a resource to use nets for on-air experience, also given the current situation it can give all hams a reliable, active resource in which to participate in various nets. The league has listings but they have not been updated in some time. Having ours on our website we can maintain it better.

Send me what you have to Even though I may already know it send it along. Include any nets you regularly participate in even if it’s from another state. The more, the merrier.

Thanks and stay safe and sane.