Massachusetts STM Report for December 2022

The combined Massachusetts sections traffic report for December 2022 is available at This contains a recap of stats, events and traffic notes for the past year. 1901 net sessions were conducted, with 6,220 messages passed by 12,396 net participants during a total of 539 hours of net operation. These folks love what they do as they also practice for emergencies, and they welcome all newcomers. Training is always available. Just ask!

Western Mass Traffic – New Year, New Schedule, New Time

Happy New Year to all in the Western Mass section. Effective with this new year, the Western Mass Traffic Net will meet at a new time. Effective Monday January 3, 2022 there will be one session daily Monday through Friday, at 6:00 PM local time. The net will continue to meet on the Mt Greylock 146.91 K1FFK repeater thanks to the Northern Berkshire Amateur Radio Club, with Echolink access via the K1FFK repeater thanks to Dave Foley W1TTT. The main purpose of the net is the handling of NTS traffic with liaison to the First Region Net. Training will be available to anyone interested. Check with Peter KD2JKV ( or Marcia KW1U ( for details.

Also note the Heavy Hitters Traffic Net links the K1FFK repeater to the Minuteman Repeater Network at 10:00 PM daily Sunday through Friday for statewide coverage. To those with HF capability there is a statewide traffic net called Mass Rhode Island Phone net which meets on 3978 Khz +/- at 5:00 PM daily Monday through Saturday.
Message handling is one of the mainstays of amateur radio and handling formal record traffic is what we are about. It is fun and rewarding to have the knowledge needed if required in an emergency. Everyone is invited to check it out. Hope to see you there.

73, Marcia KW1U

New CW Slow Speed CW Traffic Net

Want an opportunity to practice your newly acquired CW skills or brush up on old skills once learned but not used for many years?

Learn and practice the art and skill of handling written messages, and have some fun along the way. You’ve asked for it and now we are reviving a slow speed CW traffic net. It is called MARISN or Massachusetts Rhode Island Slow Net and it will be meeting four evenings a week on Monday, Tuesday, Friday and Saturday at 8:30 PM local time on 3598 KHz. Rob K2MZ has offered to organize and manage this net. He has been a successful teacher of CW and has been active on our various traffic nets. He is welcoming all comers.

Come join us beginning Monday March 22, 2021. Looking forward to seeing you there.


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