Government Advocacy

One of the responsibilities of the ARRL, in all of its forms and on all levels, is to interact with government agencies for the benefit of amateur radio.

What value would you place on a group of people who:

  • Can provide instant wireless communication during a disaster or community event with little advance notice;
  • Have established relationships with local served agencies and law enforcement;
  • Take enormous pride in being able to give their technical expertise back to their communities when asked?

In all areas of the country, Amateur Radio operators serve their communities through disaster communications, public service, and facilitating the instruction of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) topics at all educational levels. For the past century, through FCC encouragement, Amateur Radio has been a valuable laboratory for wireless communications technology development, which ultimately flows to the benefit of consumers and business.


State Government Liaison

The section’s State Government Liaison is the primary contact for all governmental affairs having the potential to affect amateur radio. The SGL helps inform legislative and regulatory entities of the importance in amateur radio considerations in each bill, and potentially helps muster a section wide amateur radio publicity campaign to bills as needed.

This appointment is presently open. If you are an ARRL member in good standing living within Massachusetts and are interested in this appointment, please contact the Section Manager.

Local Government Liaisons

Local Government Liaisons are appointed throughout the section and responsible for monitoring proposals and actions by local government bodies which may affect Amateur Radio. They work with the local ham radio community to alert area amateurs to problems and opportunities involving local government agencies, and coordinate local responses.

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