Looking for Local Net Information

Hi everyone,

I am looking to add to our website a listing of all the nets in the state as well as within the listening footprint. These can be casual, emergency, hf or repeater nets. The Eastern Ma website has a good one available and want to combine them with what we get so anyone has a means to see whats there for nets.

The purpose is to give new hams a resource to use nets for on-air experience, also given the current situation it can give all hams a reliable, active resource in which to participate in various nets. The league has listings but they have not been updated in some time. Having ours on our website we can maintain it better.

Send me what you have to rplajoie@comcast.net. Even though I may already know it send it along. Include any nets you regularly participate in even if it’s from another state. The more, the merrier.

Thanks and stay safe and sane.

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