Technical Specialists

Amateur Radio can be proud of its technical accomplishments. Throughout the history of the radio art, amateurs have continually made significant contributions to its development. And today, even in our “high-tech” world, there continue to be opportunities for amateurs to make a difference.

Technical appointees within the Western Massachusetts ARRL work towards assistance the section’s amateur radio community on various technical matters. Whether it’s promoting technical advances and experimentation with specialized technologies and operating modes, working closely with enthusiasts in these fields within the section, or  helping amateurs with various RFI and TVI problems, the technical appointees rendering technical assistance as needed.


Technical Coordinator

The Technical Coordinator (TC) is a section-level official appointed to coordinate, organize and conduct all technical activities within the Section. The TC must be an ARRL full member holding a Novice class or higher amateur license.

The Western MA Technical Coordinator is Greg Algieri WA1JXR.

Technical Specialists

The Technical Specialist (TS) is a station-level official to a specific area of jurisdiction or expertise, and is responsible for working with many individuals and clubs within the section to answer technical questions and solve RFI problems. The TS must be an ARRL Full member holding a Novice class or higher amateur license.

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