Assistant Section Manager Greg Algieri WA1JXR


Contact Info:
22 Chase Hill Road
Lancaster, MA 01523

First licensed as WN1JXR in 1967. Amateur Radio lead me to pursue a career in Electrical Engineering, earning BSEE and MSEE degrees from the Univ. of R.I. I have worked for Raytheon Co. on RADAR Systems for 39 years, currently as a Senior Principal RF/uW Design Engineer.

I’m not a Contester or chase DX, but just a “Rag Chew” QSO operator. I’m mostly a CW Operator, enjoy QRP Operation. One of the founding members of the NE QRP Club. I also enjoy refurbishing and operating the old “hollow state” boat anchor tube rigs from the 40’s, 50’s and 60’s.

Enjoy teaching ham radio license classes and giving talks and seminars on Antennas, Transmission Lines, and Antenna Modeling, Circuit Modeling and Vector Network Analyzer antenna measurements.

Enjoy exposing new Ham operators to CW. The first digital mode!
73’s Greg WA1JXR dit dit

Assistant Section Manager Appointment Description:

Requirements: Novice class license or higher class; Full ARRL membership


  • The ASM may serve as a general assistant to the Section Manager or as a specialist. That is, the ASM may assist the Section Manager with general leadership matters as the Section Manager’s understudy, or the ASM may be assigned to handle a specific important function that does not fall within the scope of the duties of the Section Manager’s other assistants.
  • At the Section Manager’s discretion, the ASM may be designated as the recommended successor to the incumbent Section Manager, in case the Section Manager resigns or is otherwise unable to finish the term of office.
  • The ASM should be familiar with the “Guidelines for the ARRL Section Manager,” which contains the fundamentals of general section management.
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