Contact Info:
100 Kenmore Drive
Longmeadow, MA 01106
Back in late 1975, when I was in 7th grade, a friend asked me if I wanted to talk on the “shortwave” radio to meet new people around the world. I told him yes, but I had to check with my parents. Thankfully my parents said yes too. My friends dad took us to novice classes every Monday night at 7:00 pm. In early 1977, I earned my Novice class license and the call sign WB1DBY.
In 1979, I earned my General license and in 1981; a week before starting college; my Advanced Class License.
My first love was cw and ragchewing. I’ve dabbled in RTTY, PSK31, Packet, and some other modes. I got into FoxHunting and discovered I loved doing that. Fast forward to 2013 and I started getting the bug for chasing DX on both SSB and CW and eventually FT8. Ham radio was and still is exciting for me.
In the 80’s I was on the board of the Mt Tom Amateur Repeater Association (MTARA) and helped to build that membership to 330 people. Then came family and very little ham radio activity. Around 1998 I started getting the bug again and got back on the air and soon joined the board of the Hampden County Radio Association (HCRA) where I have held a few positions for the past 20 years. I am currently the club president. I am also a Life Member of the ARRL as well as a member of the YCCC and the FCARC (Franklin County Amateur Radio Club).
My interests in ham radio are many. Chasing DX on cw, ssb and digital, Mentoring, satellite, fox hunting, portable, mobile and Qrp and pretty much anything that interests me. I have been the state manager for K2H Massachusetts for the 13 Colonies Special Event Station every year for the past 5 years, the WBZ SES organizer, VOTA state of MA organizer, on the board to help make the HamXposition better each year. I was on the team that helped to get AB1OC elected to the ARRL New England Division Director. I’ve always felt the need to help out when I can and am not one to sit back and let other do all the work. I always help when I can.
Plus, I run my own business and have since early 1991. Working for myself in the little niche of sales, service and support of Windows based computers and services for small businesses, home based businesses and personal users. After 30+ years I still enjoy the tech, people and challenges very much.
I am married to my very radio tolerant wife Faye for 30+ years and we have one son; in his late 20’s; who currently lives and works along the Maine seacoast. Jacob holds a General Class license (KB1NSN) but is not currently active. I was a Cubmaster and Assistant Boy Scout Leader for 15 years and Jacob is a Eagle Scout. Faye and I live in Longmeadow just outside Springfield. Together we like to camp, kayak and bicycle and explore new places and both of us love reading fiction when we have the time. Ham radio always comes camping with me.
I always have believed that clubs are the lifeblood for keeping hams active in an area. They are a way of bringing hams together to make new friends, share ideas and interests and make ham radio better. That is why I accepted the position of ACC (Affiliated Club Coordinator) for WMA when I was asked.
Affiliated Club Coordinator Description
The ACC is the primary contact and resource person for each Amateur Radio club in the section, specializing in motivating, providing assistance and coordinating joint activities of radio clubs. The ACC is appointed by, and reports to, the Section Manager.
Requirement: Full ARRL membership
- Get to know the Amateur Radio clubs’ members and officers person to person in his section. Learn their needs, strengths and interests and work with them to make clubs effective resources in their communities and more enjoyable for their members.
- Encourage affiliated clubs in the section to become more active and, if the club is already healthy and effective, to apply as a Special Service Club (SSC).
- Supply interested clubs with SSC application forms.
- Assist clubs in completing SSC application forms.
- Help clubs establish workable programs to use as SSCs.
- Approve SSC application forms and pass them to the SM.
- Work with other section leadership officials (Section Emergency Coordinator, Public Information Coordinator, Technical Coordinator, State Government Liaison, etc.) to ensure that clubs are involved in the mainstream of ARRL Field Organization activities.
- Encourage new clubs to become ARRL affiliated.
- Ensure that annual reports (updates officers, liaison mailing addresses etc.) are forthcoming from all affiliated clubs.