If you are interested in attending online Zoom training for Digital Communication … modes WinLink, FLDigi or JS8Call … please fill in the information below and submit the form using the button provided.

Indicate your mode(s) of interest by checking the appropriate boxes, being sure to provide the additional information requested as this enables us to easily contact you directly with an introductory email and instructions on how to obtain the reference manuals available for each mode.  Ongoing scheduling information will be provided via email and on the WMA website under the Emergency Communications header:

We will establish classes and dates shortly … most likely two classes will be required – an introduction and familiarizing with the mode relative to the training document and Q&A for the first session. The second session will be a live Zoom session with the instructor’s screen displayed to allow students to try some aspects of the software and see the results from a receiving perspective. If additional assistance is needed, we will be glad to setup one on one mentoring for the specific application with you. Finally, we will offer training nets to allow you to experience using these tools live – locally at first and then potentially joining existing regional nets.

Thanks for your interest – we look forward to helping you become proficient in these important tools for Emergency Communications!


Your WMA ARES Digital Team

Aaron – KF1G (JS8Call)

Alex – KC1NHC (WinLink)

Chris – KB1NEK (FLDigi)

Bob -K1YO -Section Emergency Coordinator – WMA ARES

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