Section Manager Report for January 2018

Hello everyone. This is going to be a regular feature to keep all up to date in the going’s on in our section. Anything of timely importance will be posted separately as normal.

As you are aware my priority has been getting a staff together to fill spots that are vacant or to replace those who wish to step aside. First of all, I would like to welcome Cory Goodall AC1AZ as our SW Mass ASM, and Roland Chaffee KC1VQ as our new SGL. The top of the list is selecting a new Section Emer. Coord. This is an important one as I consider this a cornerstone to the organization. With this we can align our EC staffing to an efficient structure and review and revamp our communications plan. With this plan I look to use this as a means to promote our abilities to the served agencies. It is understandable that ARES is going through a revamp in itself and FEMA may play a part in things, I do ask that this does not be a decision factor. The other position needed is a Public Information Coordinator. This role will be expanded as I will be looking to “get the word out”. Not just to the media as needed but in promotion as well. Also, I have a need for an ASM for the northwest sector.

One thing to consider is these positions may seem like a huge job, my emphasis is going to be teamwork! Everyone working together does make the job easier, it can also make it interesting and also fun. This way also we do not burnout as quickly.

Ok, enough of that. Lately I have been listening to the Paxton repeater more as our ASM, Greg WA1JXR has started a really cool net to teach people CW. He has for the last two weeks had check ins of at least 36 hams and reports of others listening on other receivers! This is huge! This is what our section needs more of throughout and Greg nailed it. Well done! The other thing that encourages me is the amount of new hams and others offering to assist. This, I feel is what keeps new hams interested as they feel there is something more other than just getting their license. This repeater has been a popular one for a long time, and the huge footprint certainly helps. All to often I hear repeaters out there with very little activity. I encourage those to use them more to promote your clubs, assist the newbies and anything else that comes to mind.

One thing I wish to highlight is we do have technical assistance team within our section. This is headed by Brian Arsenault N1FIY. He has a few tech specialist’s available. If anyone is in need of assistance in anything reach out to them. I hear they can’t wait to help.

If there is anything that comes to mind that you wish to let me know, please feel free to email me. I have asked the staff to give me an informal report of their activities and news (or gossip hi-hi). I do want to know what’s going on out there. Remember, I am the voice to the League for you. I also want to thank all those that emailed me in welcoming me to the section. In closing, please consider volunteering for a spot that is available. Together, I want to do good things.

73 to all and Thanks


FCARC to Support the Greenfield Winter Carnival Sleigh Bell Race

The Greenfield Winter Carnival Sleigh Bell Race will be held on Saturday, February 3, 2018. The Franklin County Amateur Radio Club will be supporting this event as they have in the past.

The amateur radio support team will meet at the Hope and Olive Restaurant. Because of last year’s UHF frequency disaster, and the new court house, this year they will be testing for use of simplex. Specifically, the most likely channel of use for this event will be the FCARC simplex frequency of 147.435 MHz. Please have your handhelds and mobiles set up with a channel for the 147.435 Simplex.

Setup and taking in people for radio positions will begin at 8:00 AM. The race start time has traditionally been at 10:00 AM. The race traditionally takes about 90 minutes for the last runner/walker to make it back to the Hope and Olive Restaurant start/Finish line.

All those interesting in helping with this effort, please contact Richard KB1NOX at  More details on the Greenfield Winter Carnival, including the Sleigh Bell Race, are available at the event website.

Learn CW Training Net on VHF

The Central Massachusetts Amateur Radio Association will be conducting a “Learn CW Training Net” on the Club Repeater W1BIM on 146.97 PL 114.8 on Monday Nights at 7:30 PM starting January 15.

Greg WA1JXR will be your Net Control Operator and CW Instructor. The purpose of the Net is to teach Ham Radio Operators new and old how to send and receive CW. The net will be a combination of FM voice as well as modulated CW (MCW) transmissions over the repeater. CMARA members as a club project have built an MCW interface for their 2M FM radios which will allow them to send CW. If others are interested in obtaining a MCW Interface Kit you can contact Greg WA1JXR at and I will start an interested list. If we get a minimum of 10 kit orders I will do a bulk buy of parts and circuit board and assemble more kits.

So check it off on your calendar and check into the “Learn CW Training Net” on Monday nights and learn and have fun with the Original Digital Mode, CW.

73’s Greg Algieri WA1JXR

Volunteer Registration for Boston Marathon Now Open

Volunteer registration is open for the 2018 Boston Marathon! Sign up today on the BAA’s web site. You don’t need to specify any group name or passcode. Just make sure you request at least one ham radio assignment in your preferences. Once you get your application confirmation number, you’re all set.

If you’re a returning volunteer, you’ll be asked to provide your BAA Volunteer Loyalty Number. You should’ve received that in a separate e-mail from the BAA today. There’s also a tool to look it up on the BAA volunteer site. If you still have trouble finding it, e-mail us and we can help you out.

Don’t delay! Volunteer registration closes in early February. Help us get the word out by forwarding this e-mail to your club and other hams who might like to volunteer. Most volunteers first learn about the event through word of mouth. If you know new amateurs who might like to join us, make sure to let them know about it. Even just a quick mention at your club meeting can be a big help.

Again, If you have any questions about volunteer registration, or the 2018 Marathon generally, please get in touch anytime. Volunteering at the Marathon is a big job, and we appreciate the time and effort everyone puts into it. We’re happy to do what we can to make your work more comfortable or effective.

Again, we look forward to seeing everyone again soon.

Thank you, and 73,

Matthew Forman, K6MCF
for the Boston Marathon Communications Committee

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