Section Manager Report for February 2018

Hello everyone! I hope you are doing well and looking forward to the warmer weather once again. I know I am. It has been a quiet month section-wise. I do apologize as I have been a bit preoccupied as I am in the midst of moving by mother back home from Arizona so I have been doing real estate stuff on both ends. I will be doing some travelling, but I am an email or phone call away.

I went and visited the CMARA club meeting and after witnessing their first attempt of conducting the business meeting under Roberts Rules which we will conclude is a work in progress, but had some entertaining moments. They had a kit building session that night which was interesting. They also had an impressive turnout of members and they said it was a light night. This club is a fine example of a group that actively participates for ham radio and their club. They will continue to sustain themselves for many years. Great job!

I was at the Marlboro hamfest and was a fun and busy time. When I wasn’t selling the treasures, I was meeting and talking to section members and dignitaries as well. I will be at the Mount Tom Hamfest coming up and am looking forward to meeting more of you. I am planning to not leave right away if anyone wishes to talk about things regarding section matters.

The Help Wanted sign is still out to fill some positions to get the team together to do some great things together in order to make this section more ready and visible to the section as well as the League. Give it a think and consider joining. In particular, we are looking to fill the currently vacant Assistant Section Manager Northwest and Public Information Coordinator appointments, and to replace Section Emergency Coordinator N2YHK who is stepping down.

I am going to be putting together a presentation to show what my job is and the structure I wish to form so that it will be balanced and efficient. I’ll try to make it lively. I know what some of these can be like, Zzzzzz!

For those that saw this, thank you! Please tell others about this website so more of you can see what’s going on.

Thanks again and 73. See you soon!

Mount Tom ARA Hamfest

The Mount Tom Amateur Repeater Association is holding its annual Amateur Radio and Electronics Hamfest on Saturday, March 10, 2018 at the Castle of Knights, 1599 Memorial Drive in Chicopee. All amateurs and those interested are invited!

Admission is $5 for adults and children 12 and under are free. Doors open at 6:30 AM for vendors only and 8:30 AM for general admission.

The hamfest will feature:

  • A snack bar serving hot and cold beverages, hot dogs, burgers and the like.
  • An amateur radio license exam session will be run at 10:30 AM.
  • Several raffles (tickets $1 each or 6 for $5)

Those wishing to reserve a table for selling, please contact Brian Mullarney N1FI.

Talk-in for the hamfest will be on the W1TOM repeater (146.940 MHz, PL 127.3).

In connection with the MTARA Hamfest, the Hampden County Radio Association is presently selling tickets for their 2017 raffle. There will only be 250 tickets sold for HCRA’s raffle at $10 each. The raffle will be for brand new Yaesu FT-891 transceiver and ATAS-120A mobile HF antenna. The raffle winner will be drawn at the MTARA Hamfest.

WMA Section Manager Ray Lajoie KB1LRL is planning on attending the hamfest.

Algonquin ARC Hamfest

The Algonquin Amateur Radio Club will be holding its annual hamfest at 1Lt Charles W. Whitcomb Middle School at 25 Union St. in Marlborough, MA.  The hamfest is very popular among hams in both the Eastern MA and the eastern portions of the Western MA ARRL sections.

The hamfest will be held on Saturday, February 17, 2018 from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM.  General admission is $5 and includes a chance at the $200 Cash Door Prize.

An amateur radio exam session will be run at the hamfest at 9:00 AM for those how wish to get licensed or upgrade.

Vendors may reserve 6 foot tables at the hamfest at $15 each if purchased by February 9, 2018 ($20.00 each accepted at the door if space is available).  Vendors may arrive at 6:30 AM for setup.  For more information or to reserve a table, contact Tim Ikeda KA1OS at 1-508-919-6136 before 9:00 PM or email  A mail in order form is also available on the bottom of the hamfest’s official flyer.

Talk in will be on the MMRA Marlboro repeater system: 147.27+ (pl 146.2).

WMA Section Manager Ray Lajoie KB1LRL is planning on attending the hamfest.

Hope to see you there!