Hello there! Once again that annual tradition of Field Day is upon us and I’m sure you are “making the list, checking it twice, to see if RF is naughty or nice!” (ok..lame attempt) But, we are busy getting the preparations together to have a successful event. And I wish you all good luck. Once thing I will remind you all is SAFETY! It’s always good to have 1 or 2 designated for that to check the setup, generator and fuel, even check the weather for those surprise storms. And of course, fire extinguishers and first aid kits and also a good tick repellent.
I made a visit to the MTARA’s meeting and was a nice time there. They had a presenter who has a PC repair business and appears on the local TV a bit, but, the club and the presenter are sharing information about building a “Ham Friendly” PC. That’s a neat idea as there are some pc out there that are not friendly to our setups.
I also made a visit to Mohawk ARC where my SEC, Bob K1YO did a presentation on his ARES planning and getting the service functioning again.
Speaking of Bob, he now has a final draft of our ARES EMCOMM plan and he has put forth a solid effort. He also has utilized a number of people in various roles to ensure the plan is accurate and in within the expectations of our served agencies and can adapt to the changing needs as well. Next time you see him give him a hearty Thank You!
The Franklin County ARC had some members attend the Metacomet Spring Camporee and Scout Show and set up a demonstration of ham radio to the group there. Exposure such as this and others are important to introduce ham radio to our youth and to generate interest in the hobby to keep it going. Great effort and thank you.
I do want to mention I truly appreciate all who send emails to me to keep me informed of activities surrounding areas and clubs to keep me informed of what’s going on. I may not answer all of them and most of them I do keep for some time afterward. I continue to ask that you keep at it and encourage others to do the same.
Again, I hope you all to have a safe and successful field day. I am planning to tour the sites and I am also encouraging my Assistant Section Managers and Emergency Coordinators to do the same. We need to let the section know we are out there.
Very 73!