Section Manager’s Report October 2024

Hello earthlings! It’s October and it’s that time for raking leaves, cooler weather, and NEAR-Fest which is on the 4th and 5th. Remember, it is at a new location in New Boston, NH. Hope to see you there.

If anyone is interested in Traffic Handling, I am hosting a training session on how to send, receive traffic and net controls. This will be joined by Marcia KW1U and Bob KC1KVY and Shawn N1CVO from the Heavy Hitters Net which is held every weeknight at 2145 hours. This is to provide the training for those interested but also, I am hoping to encourage hams in participating in this time-honored part of our hobby, to bring more traffic to our nets and to volunteer in being net control, and other functions. If you are not aware, ever since I started as your Section Manager, I have had no one step up to be our Section Traffic Manager locally within our section. Marcia from EMA has been so kind to help us with that and I am grateful for that. We really do need one in our section.

My intent this month was to get some club visits in but have been having some family issues to deal with. I do apologize and will try to get out there soon. Keep trying to make your meetings interesting and in the Hollywood terms, “Leave them wanting more!” Look to sources locally and nationally for ideas. Move the meeting to a Saturday or Sunday and have a foxhunt, POTA activation, antenna party, etc. Sure beats the “old business, new business” meetings. Many clubs now are adopting separate business meetings, or having business meetings every few months and there is no harm in that.

If you are not aware the ARRL New England Division election is here and it is a contest. Fred Kemmerer AB1OC is the incumbent and Tom Frenaye K1KI is the challenger. An email was sent from the League and a postcard will be also sent. This is now an electronic ballot process with the option to get a mail ballot by following the instructions sent to you. Please do some homework and make an informed decision. Your vote counts!

Our ARES program is getting a little noisier with the help from Chuck WS1L. He has been working on MUCH improved communication to all the members and are getting more interest in EMCOMM. There is a couple of served agencies that are getting involved as well. We have been creating standards that are in line with SAFECOM and an updated task book is now in place. Thank you, Chuck, for all your efforts!

So that’s enough noise from me. Think about volunteering for something or think about a bigger, more active club. Thanks to those that have worked hard in our section.

73, Ray AA1SE

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