Boston Marathon Volunteer Registration Now Open

Hi Folks,

The Boston Marathon will take place on Monday, April 21st, 2025. I am a member of the amateur radio leadership team for the event. With time running out before volunteer registration closes, we have filled less than half of our needed volunteer slots. Volunteer registration closes February 7 at 5 PM.

Volunteers are needed to support operations throughout the 26.2-mile course, along with amateur support in the Start and Finish areas and along the transportation bus network. 

Here is a link to register to volunteer. Also, here is a quick tutorial on the volunteer registration process if you find yourself needing the reference. 

Please don’t hesitate to reach out with questions.

Marty Sullaway, NN1C
Member, BAA Communications Committee

Ham Support for Sawmill River 10K Run – January 1, 2025

Once again the Montague (MA) Parks & Recreation Department has asked for our help during the Sawmill River 10K Run on New Year’s Day. In a letter from Jon Dobosz, the Parks and Recreation Director, he thanked the Hams who had provided “critical safety, security and communication services along the race route” in the past.

The race course is short, only 10 kilometers, but there are many turns and much of the course is in areas with poor or no cell coverage.  The race begins at 10 AM and is followed by snacks and delicious baked potatoes.  The commitment that morning would be from 9:00 to 11:30.  The central site is the Montague Common Hall, 34 Main St, Montague, MA 01351.

One change from last year is that we will use a repeater for race communications.

If you can help, please email me directly.  Please mention what type of 2 meter equipment you can bring, a hand held, a mobile with external antenna, etc.  If you have participated in this race before, let me know if you have a preferred location along the course.  

There are three special roles required.
1. A volunteer to drive the “sweep vehicle” who will follow the last runners.  
2. A volunteer with a mobile radio, battery and antenna to ride with the race director in his vehicle
at the front of the runners.
3. A volunteer to help me run the Net Control desk.
Please let me know if you are interested in one of these positions.

You may get more than one copy of this request since I am sending to several mailing lists and I have no way of knowing who is on which list.  

Thank you,
Mark Swartwout, NX1K

EmComm Training Opportunities

There’s a couple EmComm training opportunities that have come up that might be of interest to everyone.

First is that the training schedule for WX1BOX SKYWARN has recently been published.  First come, first serve on class reservations, and many classes have already been filled.  This training is highly recommended to anyone interested in being a SKYWARN Weather Spotter.  The class is free.

Second is that the ARRL recently started revamping its Basic and Advanced Amateur Radio EmComm courses.  The basic course is now available.  It is recommended to anyone getting involved with ARES, RACES or any other amateur radio emergency service.  It’s also recommended for those that wish to volunteer in public service events like supporting triathlons, parades, etc.  The course is free with your ARRL membership.  You do not need to retake this new course if you’ve previously taken the prior basic course.

If you have any questions on these, feel free to send them to your local ARES DEC or EC, SEC WS1L or myself.

Thanks and 73,
Gil Hayes WK1H
Assistant SEC, WMA ARES

Ham Radio Support for the Sawmill River 10k Run – January 1, 2024

For several years now, Hams from this area have provided communications for the Sawmill River Run, a 10 kilometer run in Montague Center on New Years Day. I am organizing the effort this year.

Some of you have helped in the past and others may be new to this event, but I welcome as many of you as can make it.  The commitment that morning would be from 8:30 to 11:30. The central site is Montague Common Hall, 34 Main St, Montague, MA 01351.

It is a short course with many turns so we need as many operators as we can get. This also provides a good opportunity to test our communication skills and to meet other members of our ham community face to face.

Please let me know if you can help us out or if you have any questions.

Thank you,
Mark  NX1K

Boston Marathon 2024 Volunteer Registration Now Open

Volunteer registration for the 2024 Boston Marathon opened yesterday.  Returning volunteers have received an email from the BAA that included registration instructions.  In order to make registration as smooth as possible, we are providing specific instructions for our Amateur Radio Operator (ARO) volunteers.

If you haven’t previously volunteered, or have a friend who would like to volunteer, please go directly to the Volunteer Registration page and follow the instructions for new volunteers.
    Step by Step Sign Up Guide:

A few notes for volunteers: Almost all amateur radio positions are single person assignments.  We are not able to group people on a single assignment, but we will try to accommodate which segment you are assigned to in order to allow for similar start/end times.
Don’t delay! Volunteer registration closes on Friday, February 2 at 5:00 PM EST. It would help our planning processes if you could complete your registration by Friday, January 26.

Help us get the word out by forwarding this email to your club and other amateur radio operators who might wish to volunteer. Most volunteers first learn about the event through word of mouth. If you know new licensees who might like to join us, please make sure to let them know about it. Even just a quick mention at your club meeting can be a big help!

If you have any questions about the upcoming volunteer registration period, or the 2024 Marathon generally, please get in touch anytime. Volunteering at the Marathon is a big job and we appreciate the time and effort everyone puts into it. We’re happy to do what we can to make your work fun, comfortable, and effective.

We look forward to seeing everyone again soon.

Thank you, and 73,
Boston Marathon Communications Committee

Please make sure to whitelist and to make sure you receive BAA and ARO committee communications.  

Sutton Chain of Lights

President Valerie Moore KC1COQ of the Worcester EmComm Team writes:

Craig Shea from the Sutton Chain of Lights is again requesting assistance with communications to coordinate the trolleys for their annual event. We’re looking for about 10 amateur radio operators to ride the trolleys and help keep them on schedule moving people around between stops. For more information on the event and the trolley Stops this year click here.

We will meet at 08:30am on Sat 12/2/2023 in Sutton (location TBD – likely the Sutton High School). The event runs from 10:00am to 4:00pm, although the final trolley drop off may be as late as 5:00pm. If you are only available for part of the day, we can cycle you in and out as necessary.

If you are available to help out, please fill out this form:

BAA Half Marathon – Sunday 11/12/23 – Volunteers Still Needed

NN1C-Marty Sullaway – Amateur Radio Team Captain for the BAA Half Marathon

Hi Folks,

The BAA Half Marathon will take place on Sunday, November 12, 2023. I am serving as the Amateur Radio Team Captain for the event.

The start and end of the race are in Franklin Park in Boston, and the route is a pretty gorgeous, and turns around in the Fenway.

We are still looking for more amateur radio operator volunteers who will staff spotter stations along the course, and shadow key event officials. Reporting time will be approximately 6:00 AM, and assignments should secure before noon.

Here is the volunteer registration link. If folks have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out, and I am happy to answer any questions people might have.


Marty Sullaway, NN1C
Amateur Radio Team Captain, BAA Half Marathon

We Need Your Help to Staff the Big E Booth

We are doing another ham radio booth at the Big E this September. The dates are Friday, September 15th through Sunday, October 1st. The goal is to introduce ham radio to the general public, show that it is still relevant, and to interest the public in signing up for ham courses.

Just like last year there are two shifts per day with each one being 6 hours long. Each shift requires 3 people in the booth this year.

We are making changes in the layout of the booth to make it more friendly to the public in the hopes to draw more people in.

We have applied for another ARDC grant and if we get it, we can reimburse the cost of admission and parking for everyone. We do hope to get another grant.

Last year the booth spoke to approximately 1200 to 1300 people about ham radio. We hope to do the same or more again this year.

As clubs you are welcome to show your banner on the day or session you are there as well as bring a few items to showcase what your club is about to the public. We are asking that you spread the word to your club members and try to get a group together to staff the booth for a session or the whole day. OR just ask your club members to sign up for a session to help staffing the booth. Last year we have over 100 volunteers from clubs all over New England. Will your club be one of them this year?

Please follow this link to sign up or if you are a club and want a certain day/session that is still available, please email Larry, W1AST direct at or if you have any questions about the booth.

We do have a group at:

Sign up here:

Help to make this year’s Ham Radio Booth at the Big E a success, please volunteer!

Larry, W1AST

Groton Road Race

Greetings all,

The Groton Road Race has a new course for 2023. The race is scheduled for May 7 and this weekend I received official word that Amateur Radio support is again requested by the Race Committee and Groton Police Department. This is short notice, but we’re all prepared for “emergency” service are we not?!

The 2023 5k and 10k courses both start and finish on the grounds of the newly opened Groton Hill Music Center at 122 Old Ayer Road. The runners will exit Groton Hill Music Center and head south on Old Ayer Road, across Smith St to Culver Rd then north to Farmers Row. Along Farmers Row the 5k and 10k will take different paths to eventually return to Groton Hill Music Center.

The planned event schedule this year is similar to 2022; the two main races will start shortly after 10am. The communications support that we provide is expected to start around 9am and we should be done shortly after 1pm.

The Groton Road Race continues to be a major event for Amateur Radio in North Central Massachusetts. Those of you who have joined us in previous years know that the runners sincerely appreciate our presence. Many say so as they run past. This event is so large that Police Departments and other public safety organizations from several communities come to assist the Groton PD. Part of our role is to provide the communications from the Groton Police to these out-of-town officers who come to help with this event.

Contributing to the public good is one of the reasons Amateur Radio exists. Our public service events are a key opportunity for us to show our colors, volunteer our skills and equipment, and demonstrate why it is in the public’s interest to continue to allocate precious RF spectrum to our the Amateur Radio Service. The Groton Road Race is a low-stress event and a great way to gain more experience with the public service aspect of amateur radio. Please consider joining us on the 28th.

If you are a new Ham or know of another Ham who is interested in helping at these events but unsure of what is expected or what equipment may be needed, please do not hesitate to introduce the to me.

The Groton Road Race Committee and the Groton Police Department repeatedly praise and express their appreciation for our assistance in providing communications for this event for many years. I do hope you will be able to join us this year; please let me know.

Thanks and 73,
Ralph KD1SM


Boston Marathon Registration

Volunteer registration for the 2023 Boston Marathon is open and ongoing. The BAA opened early this year and we’re grateful for new and returning volunteers that have already signed up!

For anyone who hasn’t yet, please don’t delay! Volunteer registration closes on Friday, February 10 at 5:00 PM EST. It would help our planning processes if you could complete your registration by Friday, January 27. 

Registration Link (for new and returning volunteers):

Step by Step Sign Up Guide:

A few notes for volunteers:

  • Almost all amateur radio positions are single person assignments. We are not able to group people on a single assignment, but we will try to accommodate which segment you are assigned to in order to allow for similar start/end times.

This year, we will be hosting an in-person volunteer symposium on Saturday, March 18, 2023. There will be more details to follow on this as we get closer, but please save the date for now.

Final documentation is generally released during the first week of April once we have the final logistical details from the various area coordinators for the Start, Course, and Finish areas. Where possible, we will release documents as they become available. In this case, look out for emails from the committee and your Team Captain.

As always, we appreciate your help in getting the word out to prospective volunteers. Please send this to hams or clubs that you think might be interested in joining us on the amateur radio team for the 2023 Boston Marathon!

If you have any questions about the content of this message or about volunteering at the marathon in general, please don’t hesitate to send them to

We’re looking forward to seeing you all again soon!

Thank you, and 73,

Boston Marathon Communications Committee

Please make sure to whitelist and to make sure you receive BAA and ARO committee communications.