The combined Massachusetts sections traffic report for December 2022 is available at This contains a recap of stats, events and traffic notes for the past year. 1901 net sessions were conducted, with 6,220 messages passed by 12,396 net participants during a total of 539 hours of net operation. These folks love what they do as they also practice for emergencies, and they welcome all newcomers. Training is always available. Just ask!
Boston Marathon Registration
Volunteer registration for the 2023 Boston Marathon is open and ongoing. The BAA opened early this year and we’re grateful for new and returning volunteers that have already signed up!
For anyone who hasn’t yet, please don’t delay! Volunteer registration closes on Friday, February 10 at 5:00 PM EST. It would help our planning processes if you could complete your registration by Friday, January 27.
Registration Link (for new and returning volunteers):
Step by Step Sign Up Guide:
A few notes for volunteers:
- Almost all amateur radio positions are single person assignments. We are not able to group people on a single assignment, but we will try to accommodate which segment you are assigned to in order to allow for similar start/end times.
This year, we will be hosting an in-person volunteer symposium on Saturday, March 18, 2023. There will be more details to follow on this as we get closer, but please save the date for now.
Final documentation is generally released during the first week of April once we have the final logistical details from the various area coordinators for the Start, Course, and Finish areas. Where possible, we will release documents as they become available. In this case, look out for emails from the committee and your Team Captain.
As always, we appreciate your help in getting the word out to prospective volunteers. Please send this to hams or clubs that you think might be interested in joining us on the amateur radio team for the 2023 Boston Marathon!
If you have any questions about the content of this message or about volunteering at the marathon in general, please don’t hesitate to send them to
We’re looking forward to seeing you all again soon!
Thank you, and 73,
Boston Marathon Communications Committee
Please make sure to whitelist and to make sure you receive BAA and ARO committee communications.
New WMA Amateurs from December 2022
Please welcome the recently licensed amateur radio operations in the WMA section!
Daniel Tereso, KC1SGB
4R Archie St
Chicopee, MA 01020-1702
Eric J Phinney, KC1SHM
197 Bumstead Rd
Monson, MA 01057-9780
Mike R Balestri, KC1SEW
486 Cold Spring Ave
West Springfield, MA 01089-3765
Steven Hilliard, KC1SFO
98 Douglas Rd
Gardner, MA 01440-1860
Edmund L Bilodeau, KC1SFD
27 Ridgewood Ln Apt 24
Gardner, MA 01440-2029
Ezrah C Itkowsky, KC1SGJ
44 Juniper Brook Rd
Northborough, MA 01532-2343
Section Manager Report January 2023
Hello everyone, Happy New Year! I have some breaking news for you all. Please join me in welcoming Chuck Chandler, WS1L as the new Section Emergency Coordinator. Chuck is from N. Adams and has a background in law enforcement. He is now retired but works part time with the Williamstown PD. I look forward to working with him in getting ARES reformed and functioning again.
2022 was certainly a busy year for us and am pleased with the uptick in activity. Some of which were brought on by the new director in Fred, AB1OC bringing his visions to fruition, and to Larry, W1AST for his efforts in bringing ham radio back to the Big E. Again, I want to thank all who participated in these efforts, near and far. We are looking to doing another event again in September.
Another item of interest is outreach, training and testing which have been dormant since Covid hit. The Quaboag Vallery Amateur Radio Club has regrouped, won a grant and has had successful license classes. I have formed a group, WMA Train and Test and have had success as well. I’m sure there are others but are keeping it a secret. Bringing in new hams is great and I am constantly reminding them to mentor those to get them on the air and active in their clubs. Please consider being part of the mentors performing that vital function. Every month I post on this site the list of new hams. You should take those that are near your club and reach out to them and invite them to the meetings.
2023 we will be looking to build on last year. With these, there are new things going on. One of Mr. Kemmerer’s initiatives is the revamping of NTS, being called NTS 2.0. This is a nation-wide program to get NTS in a better place and working better as a vital function for the modern era.
Another project starting up is the RFI group consisting of a group that is looking to help resolve interference and noise issues in the sections. This is a local (NE) effort but if successful could go national. They received a grant which is purchasing the equipment. Training starts in January.
The league has introduced Volunteers on the Air. A year long event similar to the 2014 one for the centennial. Go to to see the details.
So, what will you be doing for 2023? Can’t say there is nothing to do. Volunteer for a staff position, ARES, NCS for a net, traffic handling, take an office for a club, learn a new mode. (I’m still learning CW and getting into building things more) The list is endless. Being active on the air is great and not only being on the air is part of mentoring, but we are also protecting our spectrum by using those bands.
I hope you have a great year and again thank you for 2022!
New WMA Amateurs for November
Please welcome the recently licensed amateur radio operations in the WMA section!
Jacob A Maheu, KC1SCX
45 Kopec Ave
Belchertown, MA 01007-9538
Steven Storie, KC1SDK
91 Broadview Ter
Pittsfield, MA 01201-4385
Andrew R Schweitzer, KC1SBI
79 Pleasant St
Dalton, MA 01226-1126
Amanda Menier, KC1SBW
271 Log Plain Rd
Greenfield, MA 01301-1030
Andrew J Drawec, KC1SCZ
309 Petersham Rd
New Salem, MA 01355-9608
SKYWARN Recognition Day (SRD) 2022 is December 3
Hello to all..
**Our apologies for the delays in getting this SRD update out as the storm event from mid-week has kept us busy. This update adds information to various SRD NWS office operations and our roving repeater schedule.**
**SKYWARN Recognition Day 2022 will occur this year and for the first time since 2019, Ops at the NWS office will be permitted but modified due to COVID19 to have more limited operations inside the office than prior to the pandemic. Similar to the last years, a social media component will be added to engage non-Amateur Radio SKYWARN Spotters more with 2022’SRD.**
**SRD Numbers will now be issued automatically when Amateur Radio and non-Amateur Radio SKYWARN spotters register via the Google form on the SRD web site. You do not need a SRD Number to participate in SRD’2022 and most NWS offices will not have a SRD number.**
**We encourage Amateur Radio and non-Amateur Radio SKYWARN Spotters to register for SRD and we will have activities on Amateur Radio and Social Media for all Amateur Radio and non-Amateur Radio SKYWARN Spotters.**
**Final note that with strong winds possible on Saturday 12/3/22, sudden unpredicted shifts in SRD plans to cover the strong wind event could occur and a separate coordination message on this potential may be sent out later today or early Saturday.**
For the first time since 2019, SKYWARN Recognition Day 2022 will have Ops at NWS office with volunteer Amateur Radio Operators, however, the scale of what is done inside the office for SRD will be more limited as we will have limited Amateur Radio Operators in the facility. This is similar to other NWS offices who will have volunteer operators into the office this year but more limited in scale than before the pandemic.
Also, all participants are welcome to register on the SRD web site. SRD Numbers will now be issued automatically when Amateur Radio and non-Amateur Radio SKYWARN spotters register via the Google form on the SRD web site. You do not need a SRD Number to participate in SRD’2022 and most NWS offices will not have a SRD number. The SRD Number for this year is part of the qso exchange but is not a requirement.
For WX1BOX Amateur Radio operations, we will cover the typical SKYWARN repeaters on VHF/UHF as well as simplex and be on HF via the WX1BOX Amateur Radio station, various remote home stations, and via the Southeast Massachusetts Amateur Radio Association Club station, along with our WX1BOX social media pages. We will distinguish between in-office Amateur Radio Operations and remote operations by using WX1BOX-portable for our remote operations. In addition, contacts with other Amateur Radio SKYWARN stations will count towards NWS certificates. Similar to the last two years, there will be a social media component to engage non-Amateur Radio and Amateur Radio SKYWARN spotters alike.
Additional details on SKYWARN Recognition Day including a registration link opened up to all Amateur Radio and non-Amateur Radio Operators can be found via the following link:
As mentioned previously, this year’s Google registration form also auto-issues SRD Numbers to participant Amateur Radio and non-Amateur Radio SKYWARN Spotters. The form can be found off the SKYWARN Recognition Day web site and can be see at the link below:
There is also a SKYWARN Recognition Day (SRD) Facebook group open to all SKYWARN Spotters and Amateur Radio Operators. The Facebook group link is listed below:
On the web, the following link on the WX1BOX home page will feature all SRD updates for WX1BOX operations as well as social media efforts that can include SKYWARN Spotters and Amateur Radio Operators alike:
New for this year is we’d like to conduct an experiment to test and experiment with a radio email system known as Winlink. We would like to have Amateur Radio and non-Amateur Radio SKYWARN spotters test sending email to a radio based email. This system allows for emails to be retrieved over Internet but also over radio. You do not have to be an Amateur Radio Operator to be involved in this experiment. During the SRD period from Saturday 12/3/21 from 0000-2400 UTC (Friday Evening 12/2/21 7 PM EST-Saturday 12/3/21 7 PM EST), we’d like people to do the following:
1.) Compose an email with a report in text format or using one of the Winlink system specific weather or other forms to with either a current observation from the SRD time period or a prior severe weather event that occurred dring the last 2 years. Do “not” include file attachments. For Amateur Radio Operators who have winlink setup, please go ahead and use winlink. For other Amateur Radio and non-Amateur Radio SKYWARN Spotters who do not have Winlink setup, feel free to use your normal email client but only use text and no attachments in the report.
2.) Put in the subject of the email //WL2K as this will allow for emails to get filtered through the built-in spam protection of the winlink system
We will acknowledge all emails as a contact and publish results of this work as part of the SRD’2021 report.
Similar to last year, the SKYWARN Spotter Map that is being tied to SKYWARN Recognition Day 2022 but also shows a great display of SKYWARN Spotters across the country whether you are able to participate in 2022’SRD or not. To add yourself to the map, utilize the link below (and it also appears once you have submitted your Google registration form):
The SRD’2022 schedule for repeater rotation and WX1BOX coverage has now been included with this update. See below:
Friday December 2nd, 2022 (All remote operations):
7:00-7:30 PM: 146.970-Paxton Repeater (PL: 114.8 Hz)
7:30-8:00 PM: 147.180-Bridgewater Repeater (PL: 67.0 Hz)
8:00-8:30 PM: 147.000-Dartmouth Repeater (PL: 67.0 Hz)
8:30-9:00 PM: 146.955-Westford Repeater (PL: 74.4 Hz)
9:00-9:30 PM: 146.790-Vernon, CT Repeater (PL: 82.5 Hz) (via IRLP or via W1HDN-R Echolink)
9:30-10:00 PM: 147.225-Killingly, CT Repeater (PL: 156.7 Hz) (via K1MUJ-R)
10:00-10:30 PM: 145.470-Danvers, MA Repeater (PL: 136.5 Hz)
10:30-11:00 PM: 146.640-Waltham Repeater (PL: 136.5 Hz)
**Will Attempt to monitor both the New England Network and the *WX-TALK*/IRLP Reflector 9219 systems during this entire timeframe.
**It is possible we may switch off to different repeaters or simplex during time slots if we run out of contacts.
Saturday December 3rd, 2022 (Combination of WX1BOX Amateur Radio Operations, W1AEC SEMARA Club and remote operations with remote operations being signified by WX1BOX-portable):
8:00-9:00 AM: 146.595 Simplex
9:00-9:30 AM: 145.230-Boston Repeater (PL: 88.5 Hz)
9:30-10:00 AM: 146.640-Waltham Repeater (PL: 67.0 Hz)
10:00-11:00 AM: We will participate in the Eastern Massachusetts Hospital Net
11:00-11:30 AM: 146.790-Vernon, CT Repeater (Linked via IRLP.)
11:30-12:00 PM: 147.225-Killingly, CT Repeater (PL: 156.7 Hz)
12:00-12:30 PM: 145.470-Danvers Repeater (PL: 136.5 Hz)
12:30-1:00 PM: 146.895-Walpole Repeater (PL: 123.0 Hz)
1:00-1:30 PM: Tentative: MMRA Repeater System in ARES Configuration – See (Click the ARES box to see the repeaters and other systems linked)
1:30-2:00 PM: 145.37-Gardner/145.45-Fitchburg/147.39 Repeaters via IRLP 9122
2:00-2:30 PM: 146.685-Plymouth Repeater (PL: 82.5 Hz)
2:30-3:00 PM: NB1RI Repeater System – Note the main hub repeater link for this system is down – so we will rotate across the NB1RI repeaters during this timeframe
3:00-3:30 PM: 146.970-Paxton Repeater (PL: 114.8 Hz)
3:30-4:00 PM: 146.955-Westford Repeater (PL: 74.4 Hz)
4:00-4:30 PM: 146.955-Barnstable (PL: 88.5 Hz) or 147.375-Falmouth Repeater (PL: 110.9 Hz)
4:30-5:00 PM: NB1RI Repeater System – Note the main hub repeater link for this system is down – so we will rotate across the NB1RI repeaters during this timeframe
5:00-5:30 PM: 146.760-Scituate, RI Repeater (PL: 67.0 Hz)
5:30-6:00 PM: 147.000-Dartmouth Repeater (PL: 67.0 Hz)
6:00-6:30 PM: 147.180-Bridgewater Repeater (PL: 67.0 Hz)
6:30-7:00 PM: 147.225-Whitman Repeater (PL: 67.0 Hz)
The VoIP Operations on the *WX_TALK* Echolink conference node: 7203/IRLP 9219 system will take place once again for 2022’SRD. Here is the info regarding Echolink/IRLP operations as of Friday Afternoon:
Time in UTC NWS Office Call-Sign
0000-0100: N0NWS (Time slot confirmed for this year)
0100-0200: WX1GYX (Time slot confirmed for this year)
0200-0300: WX7SLC (Time slot confirmed for this year)
0300-0400: WX9GRB (Confirmed time slot from 2020)
0400-0500: WX1BOX (Time slot confirmed for this year)
0500-0600: WX9LOT (Confirmed time slot from last year)
0600-0700: WX4HUN (Time slot confirmed for this year)
0700-0800: WX8APX (Time slot confirmed for this year)
0800-0900: WX8APX (Time slot confirmed for this year)
0900-1000: Open
1000-1100: WX7SLC (Time slot confirmed for this year)
1100-1200: WX1GYX (Time slot confirmed for this year)
1200-1300: W7NWS (Confirmed time slot from last year)
1300-1400: WX7SLC (Time slot confirmed for this year)
1400-1500: WX1AW (Confirmed time slot from last year)
1500-1600: WX1BOX (Time slot confirmed for this year)
1600-1700: WX4NC (Time slot confirmed for this year)
1700-1800: WX4JKL (Time slot confirmed for this year)
1800-1900: WX6LOX (Time slot confirmed for this year)
1900-2000: K0MPX (Confirmed time slot from last year)
2000-2100: WX4JKL (Time slot confirmed for this year)
2100-2300: WX4NHC (Time slot confirmed for this year)
2300-2400: Open
There will be other conference systems utilized for SKYWARN Recognition Day. They are as follows:
The New England Reflector Gateway System will be utilized by the NWS Boston/Norton, Mass. and NWS Gray, Maine offices from 0000-0500 UTC and 1200-2400 UTC. The New England Gateway system is on EchoLink Conference server *NEW-ENG3* Node: 9123, IRLP reflector 9123. If other NWS offices would like to join the system, they are welcome to do so and participants in SKYWARN Recognition Day can also use that system to make contact with various NWS offices. This is a great place to move off the *WX_TALK* Node: 7203/IRLP 9219 system after your scheduled time if other Amateurs or NWS offices whish to make contact with you.
Also, the Western Reflector will be having NWS offices calling CQ as in past years and have multiple reflector channels and Echolink conferences available. There is reflector 9250/Echolink Conference *HI-GATE* node: 357564, IRLP 9251 and the *WORLD* Echolink Conference node: 479886, IRLP 9257/*DCF-ARC* Echolink Conference node: 336037 and IRLP 9258/EchoLink Conference *NV-GATE* Node: 152566 open for NWS offices. Please contact Kent-W7AOR for additional information on the Western Reflector.
A few technical reminders for folks interested in making contacts with the NWS Forecast Offices on the *WX-TALK* Node: 7203/IRLP 9219 and New England Reflector Gateway IRLP 9123/*NEW-ENG3* Echolink Node: 9123 systems:
-The system allows both EchoLink and IRLP connections. For EchoLink users, you connect to the *WX-TALK* Node: 7203 conference system. For IRLP users, you would connect to IRLP reflector 9219.
-If you are using EchoLink, the RF node or PC that you’re using must have EchoLink conferencing disabled. If it is not disabled, the system will automatically kick the node or PC off of the system. The reason this occurs is to prevent unintentional interference from a conferencing station that may not know the node is connected somewhere else. This will keep traffic moving on the net and reduce interference considerably.
For more information on VoIP Technical Configuration Tips, please go to our web site at where we have a link to that information on the main menu of the web site. This announcement will also be on the web site.
We are looking forward to another fun SKYWARN Recognition Day on the *WX-TALK* Node: 7203/IRLP reflector 9219 system, Allstar 28848 along with DMR/DSTAR and other modes provided by VK3JED-Tony, New England Reflector Gateway system and Western Reflector system. Thanks to all for their support!
Thanks to all for their continued support of the NWS Boston/Norton SKYWARN program!
Respectfully Submitted,
Robert Macedo (KD1CY)
ARES SKYWARN Coordinator
Eastern Massachusetts ARES Section Emergency Coordinator
Home Phone #: (508) 994-1875 (After 6 PM)
Home/Data #: (508) 997-4503 (After 6 PM)
Email Address:
Like us on Facebook –
Follow us on Twitter –
Section Manager Report November 2022
Hello, welcome to another silly season. Why I call it that? Simply look around you. Everything goes into hyper-drive. The stores barrage you with ads 5 times a day. Black Friday has grown and had offspring. People have to deal with multiple pressures in concentrated form. Just remember to get away from it for a while, cozy up to some coffee and send some holiday greetings to a far-off land in whatever mode you wish. And of course, I wish you all a wonderful Holiday Season as well.
I guess the big thing from the League is a new operating event will take place all year for 2023. It is called “Volunteers on the Air”. If some may recall in 2014 when we had the Centennial, we had a similar event where each state will have a turn at operating with the W1AW call sign with a designator. League employees and officials will have points assigned to their position so we will all be hunted down. Clubs will be included where the club call sign will have a point value as well. This will be on the normal contest bands from 160-10, no repeaters. LOTW will be used for the event. Stay tuned for more details. Should be a fun event.
Our Affiliated Club Coordinator Larry W1AST will be reaching out to the clubs in the section to introduce himself and to possibly visit some meetings as well. He is looking to assist in ensuring clubs are growing and that you have the resources needed for that. We are here to help but keep in mind the other part to success is taking an active part in it. One person cannot do it alone.
The WMA Train and Test group just completed our Tech class course and we have our sights on doing an Extra class. Needless to say, this one will be a doozy, but one that does not happen a lot. More on that later. Since we started this last year I have seen some of our graduates become active in one or more clubs and are looking to advance their license class. I cannot say enough that mentoring is and needs to be an important part of the radio journey. These graduates are also promoting the hobby already which is what this section REALLY needs! Keep up the fine work and thanks to those that work with me in making this a success.
I truly hope again that everyone has a fabulous Holiday Season. Always remember to look beyond the chaos and embrace the true meaning of the season.
Yours truly and Thank you!
New WMA Amateurs from October
Please welcome the recently licensed amateur radio operations in the WMA section!
Michael K Williams, AC1NZ
PO Box 24
Amherst, MA 01004-0024
Seth H Blackwell, KC1RYX
PO Box 1420
Warren, MA 01083-1420
Katherine E Blackwell, KC1RYY
285 Cutler Rd
Warren, MA 01083-7926
Thomas J Juzba, KC1SAA
74 Nagle St
Indian Orchard, MA 01151-2136
Dominic V Iacopino, KC1RYA
1020 Ashby West Rd
Fitchburg, MA 01420-6630
Michel Perritt, KC1RZI
35 Courville Rd
Auburn, MA 01501-1206
Christopher A Mitchell, KC1RZL
PO Box 663
Brookfield, MA 01506-2663
Daniel J Creeron, KC1RYU
6 Willow Tree Ln
Charlton, MA 01507-1495
Richard A Desourdis, KC1RZB
81 Park Rd
Charlton, MA 01507-5419
Peter S Mitchell, KC1SAB
PO Box 3
East Brookfield, MA 01515-0003
Timothy L Graves, KC1RZE
116 Hodgkins Dr
East Brookfield, MA 01515-1524
David B Eaton, KC1RYT
369 Pleasant St
Leicester, MA 01524-1221
James M Fraser, KC1RZD
89 Gilbert St
North Brookfield, MA 01535-1432
Daniel P Meloche, KC1SAH
84 Cherry St
Spencer, MA 01562-2213
Stephen P Miller, KC1RYW
8 Linwood St
Webster, MA 01570-2709
Ernest C Bell, KC1RZC
319 Mason Road Ext
Dudley, MA 01571-5770
Ryan J Labbe, KC1RZV
1 Sayles Way
Dudley, MA 01571-6922
Albert F Sandberg, KC1RYV
77 Asnebumskit Rd
Paxton, MA 01612-1346
November Section Manager Report
Hello, here we go again. Silly Season is approaching once again! I have a feeling the wish list will include heating oil, electricity, etc. One can also think that as uncertainty is gripping the world, how many of us are thinking about radio as a vehicle for international goodwill, or a means to relay a message telling a loved one that they are ok. We as operators have to ask, “are we ready?”
Right now, the league’s EMCOMM manager, Josh Johnston with Fred Kemmerer and Marcia, KW1U along with others are working on NTS 2.0 to invigorate and modernize traffic handling. Messages have gone out to section officials where we report in as to how and when we receive the messages. The plan is to get NTS back into ARES and working as a unit once again.
Regarding ARES in WMA, it is still in a void. I will admit that I have not been focusing on that is due to frustration. After nearly 5 years of trying with no interest, I changed my direction to teaching license classes and mentoring new hams in hopes that the new hams will be active and therefore participate in ARES activities. Don’t get me wrong, there is a number of members who are active with various aspects of EMCOMM and I truly appreciate it. There just isn’t enough of us to achieve what we need to be an effective group. Served agencies will not consider us in their plans unless we are better organized. If you read this and have ideas, comments, etc. please, let me know.
The Big E for 2022 is in the can. Now the feedback is being looked at and the general feeling from those who responded is they want to see it again next year and want to contribute again. This does speak volumes and is very encouraging. We learned a lot from this one and will improve on it. So keep it on your mind if you wish to get involved.
The Quaboag Valley Amateur Radio Club ran a tech class using the ARRL/ARDC grant they received and received 16 new licensees as a result! That was a stellar effort and they are not stopping there. Keep up the good work!
Speaking of classes, the WMA Train and Test group is now conducting Tech classes with a VE session on Dec 3rd. There are other license classes I hear are in the works. I encourage all clubs if they have anyone interested to point them in that direction, or maybe have a class within. Of course, getting the license is one thing. As I constantly remind those that mentoring them and getting them on the air is an important part of the learning process.
If you haven’t noticed, there has been some great activity on 12 and 10 meters as well as some serious ducting being heard on 2 meters. Take advantage of it to play radio or to teach that new ham.
The are a couple of websites I have been promoting to clubs because they have a growing library of presentations and they actively encourage us to use them. They are and The presentations are recorded and slide decks are available. It is a great resource so check it out.
I truly hope everyone has a fantastic Thanksgiving if I don’t see you before then. Please visit and this site often to stay up to date on what’s going on.
Until next month, 73.
HCRA Annual Auction
The Hampden County Radio Association will be holding its Annual Auction. It’s a good chance for you to free yourself of unused gear, discover the classic you have been longing for, meet old friends and have fun.
- When Friday November 4 2022
- Where Holyoke Hospital Auxiliary Room:
- Five minutes from Route 91 Exit 14.
- Doors open At 7 PM
- 10 Percent of selling price or $1 minimum to HCRA.
- Ham Radio related only. No Old PCS, Monitors, or Printers etc.
- You must take home any items that were not sold.
- Tag each item with your name call , phone and email
For additional info contact Larry, W1AST at club president.
Larry, W1AST