Section Manager Report June 2023

Guess what! It’s June and that means one thing to us hams…Field Day! We are out there checking radio’s, antenna’s generators, and all the other goodies we need to stuff in our vehicles and bring it to your home for 2 days. I hope everyone has a fun time. Remember to promote the hobby to all visitors. Myself, I will endeavor to visit all sites as I can. I have been improving since my surgery and hopefully by then I will be pretty much back to normal.

One of the project’s I have been involved with is the NTS 2.0 revamp of the Traffic System. This is something the League has unfortunately let fall into disrepair and Fred AB1OC has been spearheading along with a group of us updating the standards and bringing it up to modern times. There will be an article in July’s QST about it. We are working on developing documentation, presentations, and trainings that will be available for download and for your use. Promoting NTS to your club is another way to add activity for members and providing them with a new skill of passing messages “when all else fails” This is also something to add to your nets. Even if it’s for a birthday, congrats on a new license, etc., its good practice. It was surprising to me the network of national traffic nets that meets on VHF and also HF. There is a new Net directory in the works as well.

Just a reminder, June 30 is the end of the General class question pool and the new one starts the day after.

One thing I am seeing of late is as most clubs are wrapping up their seasons and having elections there is a lack of people willing to step up and take on officer or board positions and importantly president. I presently have a couple of clubs facing that situation to the point of extinction. There are many reasons why this is happening and you need to work on a fix for it. The one thing that needs to take place from my observations is the lack of getting new hams active in the hobby and part of a club. Don’t assume someone else is doing it! Look at the new ham listings and reach out to those in your area. Invite them and offer your assistance. The reason why I started my license classes is to educate and bring in new hams for your clubs. Don’t let the cricket’s get them! The next president could be on that list!

I hope to see you out there on Field Day. I always enjoy doing the tour visiting the sites.

73 de Ray AA1SE

Section Manager Report May 2023

Hello! Sorry for being a little late. As I indicated last month, I had a little encounter with a surgeon and fortunately everything went well. Now I am dealing with the post op goodies like tiredness and pain that some cool medications tend to help with.

Warm weather is returning albeit a little on the slow side. Near-Fest was a bummer for me as it did not rain and I couldn’t be there.

As I am getting myself back up to speed, I have my sights to be mostly normal when Field Day arrives. I plan on making the visits as I normally do. It’s always great to see the activity going on and visit those out there. In your planning, perhaps try something a little different like ARES outreach or EMCOMM or maybe traffic handling. Educational things are great as well. Lots of possibilities there.

Most of the clubs are wrapping up their seasons and usually involves dues and elections. Elections especially have been challenging as many members choose not to volunteer for various reasons. Trust me, I’ve heard them all! There are those that dedicated themselves to the point of burnout and just quit because no one else is willing. The club, the officer’s and the board need to take a hard look at where they are and what they need to do to sustain themselves for the future. Some people have some great ideas, but there is no one to step up and say “I’ll Help!! Give it some thought please.

13 Colonies will soon be rolling around and planning will be starting to get operators for this event. This has become a popular event and if you like working pileups this is the event to participate in. Larry, W1AST is the contact person this year again and you can email him at

That’s about all for now. I should be back to visiting clubs soon or if you are hybrid I should be popping in. See you soon and thanks.


ETO WinLink Exercise – Friday Evening 5/12/23-Early Monday Morning 5/15/23

Hello to all…

The Emergency Training Organization (ETO) WinLink Exercise begins this Friday Evening 5/12/23 through early Monday Morning 5/15/23 where participants have a wide range of time to send a Winlink message via ETO instructions from 800 PM EDT – Friday Evening 5/12/23 through 259 AM EDT Monday Morning 5/15/23. We encourage all Amateurs in the Eastern Massachusetts and surrounding sections who have Winlink capability to participate in this exercise. Details are available at the following link:

Coincident to the WinLink Exercise, Cape Cod and Islands ARES will hold its Cape Cod ARES District Test Exercise – “Spring Comm” Saturday 5/13/23 1000 AM-1200 PM EDT. Amateur Operators outside of the Cape Cod ARES district are welcome to participate. The Cape Cod ARES Exercise plan and supporting documents can be seen at the following links:

Cape Cod ARES Test Exercise – “Spring Comm” Plan:

Cape Cod ARES Test Exercise – “Spring Comm” Supporting Documents:

We hope folks who are available can participate in the ETO Winlink Exercise and Cape Cod ARES District Test Exercise “Spring Comm”. Thanks to all for their support!

Respectfully Submitted,

Robert Macedo (KD1CY)
ARES SKYWARN Coordinator
Eastern Massachusetts ARES Section Emergency Coordinator
Home Phone #: (508) 994-1875
Home/Data #: (508) 997-4503
Email Address:
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New WMA Amateurs from April 2023

Please welcome the recently licenses amateur radio operators in the WMA section!

Connor Blodgett, KC1SXG
27 Christian Hill Rd Apt 37
Great Barrington, MA 01230-1145

John Richardson, KC1SUJ
22 Woodsia Rdg
Greenfield, MA 01301-1148

Theodore J Boyer, KC1SUD
251 Wells St
Greenfield, MA 01301-1614

Derek J Wheeler, KC1SVP
58 Bancroft St
Gardner, MA 01440-1960

Judy Baumhover, KC1SXD
19 E Bare Hill Rd
Harvard, MA 01451-1852

Jorge R Perez, KC1SXC
184 7th St Apt 1
Leominster, MA 01453-3767

David H Cote, KC1SVA
249 Redemption Rock Trl N
Princeton, MA 01541-1013

Steven S Angus, KC1SVD
25 Oakridge Dr
Rutland, MA 01543-1712

Christopher T Edwards, KC1SVF
407 Elm St
Southbridge, MA 01550-3029

Craig M Brothers, KC1SXF
16 Mashapaug Rd
Sturbridge, MA 01566-1116

Robert A Pierpont, KC1STJ
61 Brookside Dr
Uxbridge, MA 01569-1118

David S Round, KC1STM
6 Parker Rd
Mendon, MA 01756-1153

13 Colonies Special Event

It’s 13 Colonies time again and that means Massachusetts K2H is looking for ham that would like to activate.

The special event runs 7 days from July 1 through July 7.

Team K2H is looking for ops. Last year we worked over 21,300 Qso’s during those 7 days. We are hoping to exceed that this year.

Would you like to be part of Team K2H? If yes, then go here and fill in the form:

Larry, W1AST will be in touch with you.

Would you like to know more? You can go here to learn about 13 Colonies:

Or contact Larry, W1AST at

The last day to sign up is June 1.

New England QSO Party

The New England QSO Party will be held on May 6th and 7th.  Now’s your chance to be the sought after stations instead of the other way around!

The NEQP is a great time to check out antenna systems and offers a moderately paced opportunity to work new states and countries. You’ll find a wide variety of participants, from newcomers to experienced contesters, all interested in making contacts with New England stations.

We’re working to make sure that all of the New England counties are active again this year and would appreciate your help. Get on for at least an hour or two and join in on the fun. Please let me know if you can put in any time at all so we can work on activity from the rarest counties. Will you be QRV? Let us know by email which county you’ll be on from.

Oh yes, the NEQP is also lots of fun when mobile. Every time you cross a county line the action starts over again. It’s amazing what a 100w radio and mobile whip can do.

The QSO Party is 20 hours long overall, in two sections with a civilized break for sleep Saturday night. It goes from 4pm Saturday until 1am Sunday, then 9am Sunday until 8pm Sunday. Operate on CW, SSB and digital modes on 80-40-20-15-10 meters. For each QSO you’ll give your callsign, a signal report and your county/state. Top scorers can earn a plaque and everyone who makes 25 QSOs and sends in a log will get a certificate.

The full NEQP rules are here.  The 2021 results are posted and the results since 2002 are also available here.

Groton Road Race

Greetings all,

The Groton Road Race has a new course for 2023. The race is scheduled for May 7 and this weekend I received official word that Amateur Radio support is again requested by the Race Committee and Groton Police Department. This is short notice, but we’re all prepared for “emergency” service are we not?!

The 2023 5k and 10k courses both start and finish on the grounds of the newly opened Groton Hill Music Center at 122 Old Ayer Road. The runners will exit Groton Hill Music Center and head south on Old Ayer Road, across Smith St to Culver Rd then north to Farmers Row. Along Farmers Row the 5k and 10k will take different paths to eventually return to Groton Hill Music Center.

The planned event schedule this year is similar to 2022; the two main races will start shortly after 10am. The communications support that we provide is expected to start around 9am and we should be done shortly after 1pm.

The Groton Road Race continues to be a major event for Amateur Radio in North Central Massachusetts. Those of you who have joined us in previous years know that the runners sincerely appreciate our presence. Many say so as they run past. This event is so large that Police Departments and other public safety organizations from several communities come to assist the Groton PD. Part of our role is to provide the communications from the Groton Police to these out-of-town officers who come to help with this event.

Contributing to the public good is one of the reasons Amateur Radio exists. Our public service events are a key opportunity for us to show our colors, volunteer our skills and equipment, and demonstrate why it is in the public’s interest to continue to allocate precious RF spectrum to our the Amateur Radio Service. The Groton Road Race is a low-stress event and a great way to gain more experience with the public service aspect of amateur radio. Please consider joining us on the 28th.

If you are a new Ham or know of another Ham who is interested in helping at these events but unsure of what is expected or what equipment may be needed, please do not hesitate to introduce the to me.

The Groton Road Race Committee and the Groton Police Department repeatedly praise and express their appreciation for our assistance in providing communications for this event for many years. I do hope you will be able to join us this year; please let me know.

Thanks and 73,
Ralph KD1SM


W1AW/1 Massachusetts Volunteers On The Air a Great Success!

The Massachusetts Volunteers On The Air was held from April 12th through April 18th. Team VOTA MA consisted of 15 hams contributing to a total of 9449 QSOs. It was a team effort and everyone contributed!

I would like to thank the following 15 hams for their part in the MA Spring VOTA effort. They made it a success!

  • AB1UT
  • AF1R
  • AG1C
  • K1NZ
  • K1UR
  • KJ0D (operating remotely thru K1TTT)
  • KX1X
  • N1FTP
  • N1MGO
  • N1SOH
  • W1AST
  • W1FJ
  • W1FM
  • WA1OEZ
  • WA3SWJ

There were plenty of pileups in all the modes including FTx, CW and SSB right up to the last minute of operation.

Massachusetts next gets activated again for VOTA the first week of November. If your transmitter is in MA and you would like to join the team, contact Larry, W1AST at

World Amateur Radio Day is April 18

WARD is held on April 18 every year and is celebrated by radio amateurs and their national associations which are organized as member-societies of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU). It was on this day in 1925 that the IARU was formed in Paris. American Radio Relay League (ARRL) Co-Founder Hiram Percy Maxim was its first president.

The IARU announced previously that Human Security for All (HS4A) will be this year’s World Amateur Radio Day theme. The day is being celebrated with a 2-week operating event occurring April 11 – 25. Special event stations will be operating from around the world, making two-way radio contacts to call attention to the HS4A campaign. The United Nations Trust Fund for Human Security describes ‘human security’ as “a more powerful, lasting approach to the most difficult deficits in peace and development,” such as poverty, war, and natural disasters.

ARRL encourages all radio amateurs to take to the airwaves for WARD, to enjoy our global friendship with other amateurs, and to show our skills and capabilities to the public.

More information about 2023 World Amateur Radio Day is available at and

Massachusetts Volunteers On The Air Week

Massachusetts is ready and anxious to work everyone for it’s Spring VOTA (Volunteers On The Air) week starting Wednesday, April 12th and going through Tuesday, April 19th.

We have a team of 17 ops that will be operating on all bands on multiple modes. We even have hams located in “other” states remoting through transmitters located in Massachusetts through K1TTT and some other stations.

We will be operating as W1AW/1 and per VOTA rules, each contact will be worth 5 points. Those of the team ops that have Field or other positions may also be running their own call alongside the W1AW/1 to give you additional points as well. For example, if I am operating I can also run as my own call W1AST and not only give you the state W1AW/1 5 points contact but a 30 point contact as well. this is up to each VOTA MA op if they decide to do so.

All the points are calculated via LOTW submissions. There are no paper logs and no physical QSL cards, it’s all done via LOTW.

Watch for the spots being posted and find W1AW/1 and work us. I hope to hear you on the air!


Larry, W1AST
VOTA MA Manager

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