MEMA Region 4 RACES Net Restarts on June 4

RACESAs a part of the continuing desire to slowly but surely rebuild a RACES program across the state, I have been appointed as the new MEMA Region 4 RACES Officer.  We’re restarting the Region 4 RACES Net this coming Monday night (June 4).  The net typically will run on the first Monday night monthly (second Monday in the case of a state holiday) at 7:15 PM on the CMARA W1BIM repeater system in Paxton on 146.970 MHz PL 114.8, and during times of RACES activation.

We’re going to start small here and build it up over time. This coming Monday night it will be simply check in / check out, basically just to test out equipment and ensure no interference to or from any other existing infrastructure in the areas around various stations. It has been years since we’ve run this net, so the first order of business is simply a test of the infrastructure used by the net in this configuration.

All radio amateurs are welcome to check into the net. If you are a RACES Officer or RACES Radio Operator for any local municipality or town in MEMA Region 4 (i.e. Worcester County), please consider checking into the net on Monday and going forward as a part of our on-going RACES readiness.

Thanks and 73,
Gil Hayes WK1H
MEMA Region 4 RACES Officer

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