Hello fellow radio enthusiasts. I don’t about you this persistent rain thing is really getting tiring. 1 day of sun followed by 3 days of rain. It’s getting so I need a canoe to get to my tower.
Things are moving along quite nicely as the ARES staff is starting to come together, thanks to K1YO, we are now bringing on the newest appointee in Bill Fisher W1FSH as the new Assistant Section Emergency Coordinator. It is really great to see the people we appointed for ARES staffing has got very impressive resumes and will certainly be very useful in planning, executing, various activities to train and strengthen this section not only to benefit the communities we live in but to demonstrate to all we can work together and be prepared should a crisis come our way.
One of the hot topics of late is the recently revived bill(s) from the state regarding the hand’s free driving law. Eastern Mass has been watching this closely and the latest is there is wording in it exempting “Federally Licensed” radio operators which will cover us as well as everyone else licensed to operate radios. Our new division director Fred K1VR, has read it and feels comfortable with the wording. By the way, our section could use a state government liaison to observe and communicate to our elected officials of items pertaining to anything radio related. Email me if interested.
Who’s doing field day? I want to know. Any new locations? New groups? Send me the info as I do plan on the visitation tour again this year. I may also put some of it on video and take pictures for a possible project later. I had fun last year despite the driving I did. As you can tell, I have no problem visiting folks in my section!
The next event of note is Near-Fest which is this coming Friday and Saturday I really hope it is not another Soak-Fest. So far Friday may be a bit iffy and Saturday looks to be the winner. Cross your fingers!
That’s it for now. With any luck I will be visiting a club or two shortly. I have been hearing of some great presentations going on so keep it up.
Have a great May and 73!