I hope this messages finds you safe and healthy. After long consideration, the convention committee has decided to postpone the 2020 convention to the week of November 6 through 8.
There are several reasons for this, the first and foremost is the health and well-being of our attendees. In addition, there are many logistical problems with holding the convention in July, even under the most favorable conditions of the pandemic emergency being over by then.
1. We believe it is unlikely that the state’s ban on large gatherings will be completely lifted by the end of July.
2. Even if it were, we believe attendance will be severely impacted due to lingering (and quite appropriate caution).
3. Almost all of our exhibitors are unwilling to commit to anything prior to June.
4. The convention is subject to penalties for cancellation. The penalties increase as we get closer to the convention date. By moving to November, we move out the schedule on these penalties. This will allow us to reassess the viability of the convention in early August. By then we will have further insight into prevailing conditions.
5. The November weekend was the only one available to us – and could be lost to another group if we did not act on it.
We know that many look forward to attending each year, and have probably grown weary of all the cancellations of events like these. However, given the reality of the situation, we believe it is in everyone’s best interest to postpone.
Stay safe & 73,
Bob – K1IW
Northeast HamXposition 2020