ARES Potential Deployment Capabilities Survey

The ARES Western Massachusetts Section is in the process of updating information about its members. We are beginning a redesign of our Registration Form and accessibility to the data you have provided in the past.  Look for more information on our WMA ARES website as we progress through these tasks.

Initially I’d like to ask each of our current members to take a very quick and simple (10 questions) survey to give us an idea of who might be available for deployment in the event of an emergency.

Aaron, KF1G, has developed the survey input as part of his regular website. You can get to the form by going to

Please take a minute to respond so that we can have a current picture of our resources, capabilities, and desired level (if any) of deployment should the need arise.
Thanks in advance for helping us provide our communities needed communications assistance.

Very Best Regards,
Bob – K1YO
Section Emergency Coordinator – Western MA ARES