Section Manager’s Report March 2021

Hello! You know those video clips you see and there is the phrase “wait for it”, well that’s how I feel when March has arrived. Come on Spring! Not that we had a bad winter, but there is this thing about warm temps that interest me.

Basically, another quiet month. I have been getting to Zoom meetings the best I can with my schedule. One in particular is one set up by Ed Snyder W1YSM in CT. who, with Phil K9HI our vice director has reached out to club coordinators and section managers to get together with the division to looks at our clubs and what works, what doesn’t and see what can be done with clubs that are struggling. This will be an ongoing group and I will share things as we go along and as usual, if you have any suggestions feel free to email me. (crickets not invited!) I do want to give kudo’s to Phil, since he stepped into the role as Vice Director, he has been really opening up communications amongst the division. Well Done Phil!

I got word the League has approved the Hamexposition in Marlboro to be the New England Division Convention. I really hope this will be a live event. Zoom events are nice, but I miss the face to face that these have to offer. Cross your fingers.

I have over the year purchased a Anytone handheld and a tri-band mobile and have been trying to get it operational. One challenge is there is no repeater nearby. I purchased one of those MMDVM hotspots which I fear I ruined the card in it. I can really use some help in getting things up and running from one of the DMR guru’s out there. Give me an email if you are interested in giving me a hand. I also have a rotator that only turns 90 degrees that needs a climber for but that is when the snow melts.

Paul W1SEX from the Mohawk club is issuing a challenge to the WMA clubs for Field Day. This is to inspire some friendly competition and drive participation. It used to be a challenge with the Montachusett club. The losing club would get the 23 channel CB to display at the meetings for the year. An old Sears mobile I donated to the cause. For this one I will provide a new Handbook and maybe some other goodies to the highest scoring club, and the CB will continue as the booby prize. The Mohawk club in Gardner was one of the clubs that was struggling, but thanks to Bill, N1UZ and W1SEX along with others have been working to get better participation and activity, and their efforts are now paying off. Hats off to those guys! Keep at it!

I hope everyone has a great month. See you next month.

73 Ray, KB1LRL

Section Manager’s Report Feb, 2021

   Hello there! It must be the cold of winter doing this, my brain is frozen! Seems like as soon as February comes around, I get itchy for Spring. I guess Puxatawney Phil has an influence in this…oh well!

   The nice thing about winter is there is some great contests going on in the weekends. There is something for everyone so I hope you dust off that radio and work one of them. CQ WPX RTTY is one of my favorites which is on Feb 13. Contesting is also a good way to mentor that brand new Ham. So many things go into it live and behind the scenes.

   On the Federal side of things there is much going on. Of course, there is the Fee increase which will take place except it will be 35 dollars instead of the 50 as planned. The Chairman of the FCC Ajit Pai stepped down on January 20. There was a flurry of notices regarding rumors of people using Ham Radio’s in protest/riot situations. The usual culprit were the Baofengs. It is a good idea to scan around to see if there are anyone using the bands illegally, especially the simplex vhf/uhf frequencies. Report any occurrences to myself or to one of the Volunteer Monitors. Riley Hollingsworth K4ZDH is the head of that program and will assist were needed. So far things have been quiet. 

   January 9 we had our Division Cabinet meeting which was a virtual event this year. I think this was the first in a long time all 6 Section Manager’s in New England was present. Fred Hopengarten K1VR received reports from us as to what has been going on. Our new Chairman David Minster NA2AA was also present and presented the Rhode Island SM Bob Beaudette a very distinguished award for his many years of promoting radio. The meeting went well and there was some good information presented there. 

   Our Hamden Club President Larry Krainson W1AST is forming plans to hold an amateur radio booth at the 2022 Big E in Springfield and had asked the NE division to participate and assist where possible. This is a huge undertaking as this event runs for nearly 2 weeks. He has set up a reflector for those who want to join a group discussion. Contact Larry for more information.

   That’s enough for now. I hope you and your clubs are doing well. Keep looking for ideas to have participation and activity during this Pandemic. Keep in mind, it’s not a restriction, it’s an OPPORTUNITY! Stay Safe



New Amateur Licensees December and January

Congratulations to the latest new hams of Western Massachusetts:

Timothy L Johnson, KC1OJL
PO Box 31
Southampton, MA 01073-0031

Michael S Maruk, KC1OHK
25 Potter Mountain Rd
Pittsfield, MA 01201-1079

Flavia R Mastellone, KC1OHX
PO Box 207
Williamstown, MA 01267-0207

Rachel L Schmoyer, KC1OHY
278 Stow Rd
Harvard, MA 01451-1907

Josue Valentin, KC1OLK
113 Prospect St
Chicopee, MA 01013-4027

Todd Alexander, KC1OKD
202 Reservoir Rd
Westhampton, MA 01027-9613

Brian D Strout, KC1ONA
15 Stirling Dr
Wilbraham, MA 01095-1941

Daniel Conroy, KC1OLR
54 Primrose Dr
Longmeadow, MA 01106-2532

Thomas Jahl, KC1OKK
PO Box 126
Petersham, MA 01366-0126

Peng Bai, KC1OMW
54 Howard Hepburn Dr
Sunderland, MA 01375-9496

Stephen Levin, KC1ONF
31 Royalston Rd
Warwick, MA 01378-7805

James Williams, KC1OLT
1 Oak Hill Rd
Fitchburg, MA 01420-1000

Fabrizio Laporta, KC1OKM
8 Flagg Rd
Hubbardston, MA 01452-1308

Michael J Aschettino, KC1OKT
22 Nathan Dr
Clinton, MA 01510-1339

Bradley J Pontbriand, KC1OKV
PO Box 301
East Brookfield, MA 01515-0301

Roger P Proctor, KC1OLD
58 Keith Hill Rd
Grafton, MA 01519-1315

Michael E Paul, KC1ONZ
176 Maple Ave
Apt 3-33
Rutland, MA 01543-1332

Matthew T Pandina, KC1OKH
12 Fairview Rd
Westborough, MA 01581-1105

Ian J Winiarski, KC1ONS
115 Drumlin Hill Rd
Bolton, MA 01740-2021

Fall Boston Marathon Date Announced

This just in from the BAA to all its volunteers. More details on the BAA announcement on their website.

We hope you are safe and healthy. We wanted to provide you a short update on 2021 Boston Marathon plans in light of today’s public statement from the Boston Athletic Association (BAA).

The BAA statement can be seen here:

Per the BAA, a Boston Marathon race date for 2021 has been set for Monday October 11th, 2021, which is the Columbus Day holiday, and a virtual option will also be offered. This race date assumes that the Massachusetts statewide reopening plan will allow road races at a large scale such as the Boston Marathon to take place. Additional details, including field size for the in-person race, registration dates for runners and volunteers, safety measures and protocols, and participant requirements that will be in place, are still being determined and will be communicated when available.

Our team continues to be engaged with the BAA at both the Organizing Committee and Medical Committee levels regarding the 2021 Boston Marathon. We have continued to meet regularly as an Amateur Radio Communications Committee in an attempt to review some of the issues of past events to more proactively address them for this year’s 125th running of the Boston Marathon..

Over the next few weeks, in addition to our proactive review of some of the issues seen in past marathons, we will be working with the BAA to send out a survey to our volunteers to gauge how comfortable you would be, given your specific personal situations, to participate in this year’s marathon on the October 11th, 2021 date. The availability and comfort of all volunteers, including Amateur Radio Operators as part of the thousands of volunteers of our race, is very important. These surveys will help inform the Communications Committee and the BAA of what r services our team can offer them this year.

There are still many details to be finalized and will be forthcoming as stated in the BAA press announcement. We will keep you posted as updates become available and questions are answered. We will continue to release updates as appropriate in coordination with the BAA. Thank you for your continued support of the BAA and the Boston Marathon.

As always, we welcome your correspondence and questions on volunteering to our general mailbox:

Thank you, and 73,

Boston Marathon Communications Committee