100th anniversary of WBZ radio Special Event

September 17-19th is the 100th anniversary of WBZ radio in Boston. But there was a WBZA radio here in Springfield at one time.

The HCRA is working with the Billerica club to co-sponsor this operating event. Billerica started the event and the HCRA is helping out in many ways including the use of one of our club calls  WB1Z. 

The call signs used are: W1W, W1B, W1Z and WB1Z.

It’s going to be lots of fun and you will start seeing info everywhere very soon. There will be a special QSL card and possibly a certificate.

We are looking for operators to sign up to activate during the 3 day period. We’re looking for CW, SSB and Digital ops as well as Satellite.

If you are interested, please email me if you’d like to be an op and we’ll add you to the list.

Larry, W1AST


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