Section Manager’s Report Sept. 2021

   Hello one and all! It has been an interesting month overall with activities and the weather. I will not labor on the weather. Anyone who poked their head out the window lately knows!

   Looking forward to HamExposition! I am getting my goodies ready and will be out there to “lighten the load” and to get to see everyone there. Look at the link for up-to-date information on Covid policies. 

   The Director elections are still going strong. The ballots are going out at the end of the month or beginning of October. As I had mentioned before, please review each candidate and make an informed decision as to who you want for the next 3 years. They have been busy visiting social events and club meetings.

   The Franklin Club came up with a swell idea. Brad Councilman, W1BCC set up an operating event called Coffee and Radios at Apex Orchards in Shelburne. This was treated to great weather, scenic view, and treats. This was well received and everyone there participated in operating, and answering questions to curious onlookers. Club people, this can be a great thing to do to promote radio and participate in activities. It doesn’t have to be public service events at all! Great job Brad!

   One thing that has been scarce is VE sessions in our area. One person Ken WB8PKK from Westminster looked to improve on that and became a VE and with the help of some seasoned people and the league, helped Ken put together a VE session in Gardner, MA. Eight people helped administer the test and 13 passed their Tech and 2 got upgraded to extra. 6 of them were school age kids! Thanks to Ken and the team for putting it all together. Next one will be Oct 30.

   Just a reminder there are a number of positions open for my section staff, both for myself and for ARES. I had hoped things were further along than what we have now. We are doing much better but getting the extra help will help in many ways. Contact myself or Bob K1YO for more information. Also, we have a Western Massachusetts ARRL Facebook page that is there to get more information on things. It can be used to promote events you may have.

   I hope to see you soon in whatever fashion. As always drop an email and let me know what’s going on.



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