Section Manager Report November 2023

Hello, I see that all those green leaves have fallen off the tree’s and landed on my yard! Yep, bust out the coats and jackets, winter is coming. I’m sure some of you are rustling in the leaves and making sure your antennas are ready to withstand winter’s wrath. Now the indoor projects will take priority and hopefully you get on the air with them. I have been working on setting up various digital modes like Winlink, FLDigi, etc. This can be pretty challenging in trying to get Computer and radio to talk to one another. There is no one size fit’s all scenario!

WMA had our SET and it has taught us a lot. If ARES is to grow and attract operators and also area leaders, we need participants! Gee, same old song. This exercise was set up to be very minimal effort. We are discussing getting some activities together to give us practice, to gather information, and hone our skills. NTS has been getting reworked, that may play a part in this.

The other part in all this is I do not feel people are getting informed about what’s going on effectively. I could use your help in getting information out to more people. Not just hearing me, going ho-hum and going back to your smartphone! I know people care about many aspects of the hobby, the league, and the section. I’ve heard it! Mentor, communicate, participate!

If you have not heard already, the FCC is currently acting on a couple of items that have been sitting on their inbox gathering dust. One is the proposed change on 60 meters. Going to 15 watts and allowing the use on that little slice and not channelized. The comment time has been extended to Nov. 28, Also they will be voting on the change on the symbol rate to 2.8 KHz. This one has been sitting for a long time. This will allow digital modes like Pactor 4 to be used and the need to ask for exemptions in times of disaster will not be needed. There are still others waiting, hopefully things are starting to move at the FCC again.

I have been realizing that I have not been making club visits lately and I apologize. This year has not been fun for me personally. Sadly, I had to miss yet again Near-Fest due to a death in the family. The one time the weather cooperated!

So, once again, I am making a call out looking for active, willing participants who could put in some time to help out WMA. Jiminy Cricket can’t do it all and neither can Facelessbook and smart phones. I need you! I have many open positions including assistant section manager’s and emergency coordinators, DEC’s, EC’s, Government Liaison. Public information, Traffic manager, and more. I have been struggling with this ever since I took over as section manager. There is also a need to help out with the website. Your silence is speaking to me very loudly. Other sections are very active in many aspects. I haven’t found the right magic dust to use.

I do hope everyone has a happy, safe Thanksgiving.

73 de Ray AA1SE

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