HamXposition 2024 Program Update

Bob DeMattia K1IW writes on the HamXposition mail list:

HamXposition 2024 is coming

to the Best Western Royal Plaza in Marlborough

August 22-25

Here’s our February program update – keep reading to find out what we have in store. Online ticketing is available now at hamxposition.org. General Admission is $18 and covers all days. Students under 18 get free admission. Discounted hotel rates are available if you wish to stay overnight – be sure to make your reservations by July 25th.

Our Keynote speaker on Saturday morning is Steve Goodgame, K5ATA. Steve is manager of the Education and Learning Department at ARRL Headquarters and heads up the League’s highly successful Teachers Institute. Join Steve as he talks about lies ahead in recruiting and retaining the next generation of young amateur radio operators into the hobby.

Friday Evening – Swains Island W8S DXpedition
Join Adrian Ciuperca and your fellow hams for a delicious DXCC/Contest dinner on the second night of the 2024 Northeast HamXposition. Adrian, KO8SCA, is back from the Swains Island W8S DXpedition . Adrian is a keen DXer with DXCC 315, 9BDXCC, IOTA and a passionate contester who participated in WRTC 2018 in Wittenberg, Germany. He usually operates in the contests as a guest operator from various superstations such as K1LZ, LZ5R, K1TTT or NR4M. Admission $49 includes seated dinner and chance at the $500 DX Engineering Gift Certificate Door Prize .

We’re very happy to announce that The Providence Radio Association, Inc. (PRA) is proud to sponsor and staff the official station of this year’s Northeast HamXposition / ARRL New England Convention. The station will be open at various times through the convention for all to operate and will utilize the FEMARA club call sign W1XPO (“hamXPOsition”). Mentors from the PRA will be on hand to assist in operating and to encourage new amateurs to Get on the Air.

Thursday Night Comedy
We’ll kick off the weekend on Thursday night with a laugh! We’re pleased to announce that world-renowned comedian Juston McKinney will present his comedy act. Juston has starred in numerous Comedy Central shows including his half-hour Comedy Central Presents and his one-hour special “Juston McKinney-A Middle-Class Hole.” He has multiple appearances on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno and Conan O’Brien as well as a Showtime Special with Rob Gronkowski. He has also appeared twice at Denis Leary’s, Comics Come Home at the TD Garden. $35

Saturday Evening Grand Banquet
We’re pleased to announce that Dr. Tamitha Skov, WX6SWW, will be the invited guest speaker for the Saturday evening Grand Banquet. Known as “Space Weather Woman” in social media, she forecasts and analyzes space weather processes – in the heliosphere and exosphere. You won’t want to miss this presentation! Admission $49 includes plated dinner and a chance at a Yaesu FT-710 door prize.

Of course, we’ll have an incredible lineup of workshops, talks and presentations on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, including workshops on: POTA (“Parks On The Air”), contesting, and digital modes. Remember—tickets for individual events as well as the “Convention PLUS” package can be purchased by visiting https://tickets.hamxposition.org. The PLUS package includes:

  • General Admission
  • NEW Thursday Night Comedy Kickoff
  • Friday Dinner
  • Saturday Banquet

For the latest news and updates on the 2024 Northeast HamXposition / New England Convention, visit https://hamxposition.org.

73, Bob – K1IW
Chairman, HamXposition 2024
Comedy Show Thursday 8/22 at 8PM
Seminars & Forums Fri, Sat, and Sun
Flea Market Hours: Fri 12-5, Sat 9-5, Sun 9-1
Exhibit Hall Hours: Sat 9-5, Sun 9-1