NoBARC Hamfest August 11

The Northern Berkshire Amateur Radio Club will be holding it’s annual hamfest on Sunday, August 11.  The hamfest will be held at the George Bowe Field (Adams Agricultural Fair Grounds), located directly off of Route 8 in Adams, MA.

Gates open at 6:30 AM for vendors and sellers, 7:00 AM for buyers.  Admission is $5 for adult, kids under 12 are free.  Sellers and vendors cot will be an additional $10. Talk-in will be on the K1FFK Mt. Greylock repeater, 146.91 MHz, PL 162.2. There will be an amateur radio exam session at 9:00 AM at the hamfest, for anyone wishing to get licensed or upgrade.

Further details available on the hamfest flyer.

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