Section Manager Report May 2018

Hello there! 2018 seems to be going by and leaving a vapor trail. It weird that it has been six months since I assumed the position as Section Manager. Through this time, I have received messages of a number of you expressing encouragement and appreciation for what I am doing and that is very much appreciated.

On June 1st as you remember was the day seven years ago we had an F3 tornado hit the Monson and Springfield area which cut a swath of destruction in it’s path. I ponder this thought in reflection to this event. Are we ready if it hits again? The help wanted sign is still out for a new SEC, but there is a deafening sound of crickets. My desire is to establish a formal emergency communication system that is a standard for all counties, and to start getting served agencies on board as a reliable and important resource ready to go if needed. I cannot accomplish this without a crew of willing volunteers to help establish this goal.

In May, along with the big move of my mother from Arizona to Mass. I was able to visit the WECT club meeting which demonstrated the dispatch console software they used for the marathon and was quite impressed with what that can do more multi-link and mode communication. I was impressed with the knowledge they had with UHF/VHF Motorola technologies. I also want to congratulate Gil Hayes WK1H as he is now the Official Observer Coordinator and the Affiliated Club Coordinator. These are a couple of important roles and I know Gil will do a great job.

June is also the month for our annual ritual called Field Day. This will be different for me as I will be out visiting sites and not setting up on Mount Wachusett. I encourage you to enter your field day in the ARRL website and email me where you will be so I can plan on getting there. My attempt is to visit as many as I can if not all sites. There are some sites way out there and I will be working on getting there early. I am looking forward to seeing how everyone else has theirs set up.

Along with Field Day locations, I also encourage all Assistant Section Managers to visit the sites as well. Please send a report as to your activity and any news regarding club activity and DEC and EC activities. ALL are encouraged to feed me with anything pertaining to the section so I know what’s going on. Those that currently do, thank you and keep it up! Reporting will be more essential as the organization develops.

That’s enough for now. Time to get off the soapbox. Hope to see you at Field Day!


Section Manager Report for April 2018

Greeting’s to all! I am still winding down from my adventure at Near-Fest. I was one of the unfortunate to have 2 canopies take off to meet Dorothy and Toto in that storm Friday night. But like most ham’s we persevered, regrouped, and made the scrap metal guy happy!

April was quite a busy month for me as I made a number of visits to clubs and a hamfest mixed in. I visited the Hampden County Radio Association and the Mount Tom Amateur Repeater Association. Both of them were lively groups and was most impressed of the number of attendants and I find the level of participation and activity to be one of sustaining continued growth in the hobby as well as the club for years to come. Keep up the great work!

I also visited the Franklin County Amateur Radio Club breakfast and they have a great Tech class going on which produces and good number of new hams and has a good amount of activity in public service. I love the enthusiasm as they approach me to share their information of what they are doing out there and the passion that is behind it. Warning! Stuff like this is contagious! Do it liberally! Hi-hi.

My “alma mater”, the Montachusett Amateur Radio Association, had a QSL card sort which we sorted out 13,000 cards that night and finished it off with some great pizza. This is gone annually and is a popular event there.

May is going to be light for me as I will be in Arizona making the move for my mother back east. There’s a Mother’s Day gift! I will available via cell (leave message) or email. If you have anything section or club wise, please let me know.

With June coming up we are all planning and gearing up for Field Day. My plan is to try to visit the far western sites on Saturday, Sunday to be on the air for traffic and visit the local clubs the rest of the day. Let’s see how it works! Let me know where you will be and place it in the Field Day locator on the ARRL web site.

That’s all for now. Hope everyone has a great month.


Section Manager Report for March 2018

Hello everyone. I want to start off with an item of importance that all club presidents or officials need to do right away. Our division leader Tom Freneye K1KI has advised the New England section managers as to the status of the club status in the ARRL. There are many clubs who have not updated their information which acts as your annual report. It does state on the website:

“The club update is your annual report.  You must update your club record at least once per year even if nothing changes.  The club update is how we know that the club is still in business and keeps the contact information current for ARRL and prospective hams to get in touch with your club.  Should two years pass without an update your club will be listed as inactive.”

I am just as guilty of neglecting this as I was never told of this in the past. I am asking ALL clubs to update this as soon as possible. Follow this link and there is a PDF on how to do it:

This is something that the club secretaries should have as a reminder and needs to pass it down to their successors as well. Thank you in advance to updating your information.

I was at the Mount Tom Hamfest and had a great time there and had some members stop by and say hi which I truly appreciate. I am continuing my quest to visit the clubs and generate interest in section positions. (the crickets are getting loud on this one!) I do apologize again in advance as I am in the process of moving my mother back east from Arizona so I have been in the middle of that project which is not easy logistically. Just drop an email if you need to reach me.

The Franklin County ARC has been busy as they have a license class starting up and it actually made it in an article in their local paper. They are also going to be participating in a shelter drill in April and will be working on communications support on the ham radio side. Chris KB1NEK has been reporting and communicating to me the activities there and does a great job of keeping me informed with the going’s on in their county. I encourage all EC’s to do the same.

The Mount Tom ARA has been working with the Pathfinder Regional Vocational HS and has been selected to participate in an upcoming ARISS Space Station QSO event to take place in the Fall. This also got regional press coverage and the students are exited to take part in this. This is a fine example of getting youth into the hobby and showing them that there is more to communication than just a smartphone. Well done to the group there!

Reporting from other section officials has been a little light and I hope to hear from more of you, ASM’s, EC’s, etc. Does not have to be much or formal. Your input can also help where the needs are and what we have to do to get our section going in the right direction.

I will still be visiting one or two clubs in April. Schedules will determine how much I can do. I will also be at the Framingham Flea Market in April. I will also be among the volunteers at the Boston Marathon.

That’s enough from my world, what’s going on in yours in Ham Radio? Let me know.


Section Manager Report for February 2018

Hello everyone! I hope you are doing well and looking forward to the warmer weather once again. I know I am. It has been a quiet month section-wise. I do apologize as I have been a bit preoccupied as I am in the midst of moving by mother back home from Arizona so I have been doing real estate stuff on both ends. I will be doing some travelling, but I am an email or phone call away.

I went and visited the CMARA club meeting and after witnessing their first attempt of conducting the business meeting under Roberts Rules which we will conclude is a work in progress, but had some entertaining moments. They had a kit building session that night which was interesting. They also had an impressive turnout of members and they said it was a light night. This club is a fine example of a group that actively participates for ham radio and their club. They will continue to sustain themselves for many years. Great job!

I was at the Marlboro hamfest and was a fun and busy time. When I wasn’t selling the treasures, I was meeting and talking to section members and dignitaries as well. I will be at the Mount Tom Hamfest coming up and am looking forward to meeting more of you. I am planning to not leave right away if anyone wishes to talk about things regarding section matters.

The Help Wanted sign is still out to fill some positions to get the team together to do some great things together in order to make this section more ready and visible to the section as well as the League. Give it a think and consider joining. In particular, we are looking to fill the currently vacant Assistant Section Manager Northwest and Public Information Coordinator appointments, and to replace Section Emergency Coordinator N2YHK who is stepping down.

I am going to be putting together a presentation to show what my job is and the structure I wish to form so that it will be balanced and efficient. I’ll try to make it lively. I know what some of these can be like, Zzzzzz!

For those that saw this, thank you! Please tell others about this website so more of you can see what’s going on.

Thanks again and 73. See you soon!

Section Manager Report for January 2018

Hello everyone. This is going to be a regular feature to keep all up to date in the going’s on in our section. Anything of timely importance will be posted separately as normal.

As you are aware my priority has been getting a staff together to fill spots that are vacant or to replace those who wish to step aside. First of all, I would like to welcome Cory Goodall AC1AZ as our SW Mass ASM, and Roland Chaffee KC1VQ as our new SGL. The top of the list is selecting a new Section Emer. Coord. This is an important one as I consider this a cornerstone to the organization. With this we can align our EC staffing to an efficient structure and review and revamp our communications plan. With this plan I look to use this as a means to promote our abilities to the served agencies. It is understandable that ARES is going through a revamp in itself and FEMA may play a part in things, I do ask that this does not be a decision factor. The other position needed is a Public Information Coordinator. This role will be expanded as I will be looking to “get the word out”. Not just to the media as needed but in promotion as well. Also, I have a need for an ASM for the northwest sector.

One thing to consider is these positions may seem like a huge job, my emphasis is going to be teamwork! Everyone working together does make the job easier, it can also make it interesting and also fun. This way also we do not burnout as quickly.

Ok, enough of that. Lately I have been listening to the Paxton repeater more as our ASM, Greg WA1JXR has started a really cool net to teach people CW. He has for the last two weeks had check ins of at least 36 hams and reports of others listening on other receivers! This is huge! This is what our section needs more of throughout and Greg nailed it. Well done! The other thing that encourages me is the amount of new hams and others offering to assist. This, I feel is what keeps new hams interested as they feel there is something more other than just getting their license. This repeater has been a popular one for a long time, and the huge footprint certainly helps. All to often I hear repeaters out there with very little activity. I encourage those to use them more to promote your clubs, assist the newbies and anything else that comes to mind.

One thing I wish to highlight is we do have technical assistance team within our section. This is headed by Brian Arsenault N1FIY. He has a few tech specialist’s available. If anyone is in need of assistance in anything reach out to them. I hear they can’t wait to help.

If there is anything that comes to mind that you wish to let me know, please feel free to email me. I have asked the staff to give me an informal report of their activities and news (or gossip hi-hi). I do want to know what’s going on out there. Remember, I am the voice to the League for you. I also want to thank all those that emailed me in welcoming me to the section. In closing, please consider volunteering for a spot that is available. Together, I want to do good things.

73 to all and Thanks