Hi Folks,
Craig Shea from the Sutton Chain of Lights is again requesting assistance with communications to coordinate the trolleys for their annual event. We’re looking for about 10 ham radio operators to ride the trolleys and help keep them on schedule moving people around between stops.
We will meet at 08:30am on Sat 12/4/2021 in Sutton (location TBD – likely the Sutton High School). The event runs from 10:00am to 4:00pm, although the final trolley drop off may be as late as 5:00pm. Lunch is provided.
You should bring a radio capable of 70cm operation with DPL/DCS, as we’ll likely be using the Westboro and Uxbridge 70cm repeaters. Portable mobile setups work well, but you need to provide your own power, and mag mounts don’t work on fiberglass vehicles. HTs with gain antennas can work as well. Radios and accessories can be provided, if necessary.
If you are available to help out, please email me at johnrugg@gmail.com. Call with any questions – 508-982-0617. If you are only available for part of the day, we can cycle you in and out as necessary. Thanks!
John, N2YHK