Title 9 Women’s Only Triathlon

The Worcester Emergency Communications Team is looking for about a dozen hams to provide communications assistance for the Title 9 Women’s Only Triathlon in Hopkinton on Sunday, September 8th.

This event is sold out, so it will be busy. It occurs from about 7am to Noon (some assignments should secure as early as 9:30am, and most by 11am). It will be held in Hopkinton State Park and includes a swim, bike and run that travels through Hopkinton, Southboro and Ashland.

If you are interested in participating, please send an email to events@wect.org and let them know if you have UHF equipment with DCS / DPL.

Northeast HamXPosition 2019 This Weekend

Visit the ARRL booth at HamXposition
The ARRL New England Division Convention

Boxborough, Massachusetts
September 6-8, 2019 (exhibit hall open Sat & Sun only)

  • Join ARRL or extend your membership and get a FREE gift.
  • Meet ARRL staff including Convention and Event Coordinator Eric Casey, KC2ERC and Ally Flynn, KM3AF, of ARRL’s Lifelong Learning Department. Learn about the ARRL Education & Technology Program, and opportunities to support, and participate in, the Teachers Institute on Wireless Technology.
  • Explore the entire convention: forums, indoor exhibit hall, flea market, youth activities and more.
  • Attend the ARRL Forum presented by New England Division Director Fred Hopengarten, K1VR, Saturday 1 PM.
  • Print or save this email reminder!
  • For more information, go to www.hamxposition.org

New Amateur Licensees – August 2019

Western MA ARRL

Congratulations to the latest new hams of Western Massachusetts:

Brian M Rice, KC1LRP
56 Chestnut St
Apt 9A
Ware, MA 01082-1562

Scott J Chapman, KC1LTY
PO Box 1094
Belchertown, MA 01007-1094

David Lutz, KC1LVL
PO Box 606
Goshen, MA 01032-0606

Zachary J O Brien, KC1LTX
615 Burts Pit Rd
Florence, MA 01062-3674

Leonard L Bechan, KC1LVE
333 E Hill Rd
Oakham, MA 01068-9745

Mark C Rosen, KC1LVD
223 Egremont Plain Rd
Great Barrington, MA 01230-2284

Patrick J Bradley, KC1LVC
34 Hawthorne Ave
North Adams, MA 01247-3133

Todd K Sanders, KC1LUB
203 Bean Porridge Hill Rd
Westminster, MA 01473-1148

Brydon W Harmon, KC1LTZ
15 Rockwell Dr
Shrewsbury, MA 01545-4066

Daniel G Carboneau, KC1LRQ
67 Brookline Ave
Westfield, MA 01085-4344

Christopher W Neyland, KC1LRT
278 Walnut St
North Adams, MA 01247-3744

Jeremy T Bullock, KC1LQQ
36 Deanna Dr
Uxbridge, MA 01569-1445

Joseph Auger, KC1LQP
PO Box 20075
Worcester, MA 01602-0075

Dusko Dumanovic, AC1HX
49 Maple St
Milford, MA 01757-3650

David L Berger, KC1LRU
13 Emerson Ln
Milford, MA 01757-5126

Gerald W Beltran, KC1LKS
51 Loudville Rd
Florence, MA 01062-7500

John K Bourque, KC1LKT
124 Oklahoma St
Springfield, MA 01104-2942

Dennis H Clowes, KC1LNL
PO Box 1472
Warren, MA 01083-1472

Michael J Heilman, AC1HU
180 Elm St
Ste I
Pittsfield, MA 01201-6500

Michael A Ragusa, KC1LNZ
24 Glassworks Rd
Berkshire, MA 01224-9781

Daniel J Nietsche, KC1LNK
104 Cottage St
Greenfield, MA 01301-1445

George K Jones, KC1LQA
329 Jennison Rd
Wendell, MA 01379-7906

Peter B Janney, KC1LNU
7 Irving St
Westborough, MA 01581-2509

Error in QST Convention and Hamfest Calendar

Steve Ewald, WV1X, Supervisor, ARRL Field Organization Team writes:
We want to let everyone know about the error in the September QST Convention and Hamfest Calendar.  There will not be a hamfest in Windsor, Maine, on September 22.   The Windsor hamfest was already held on July 27.   
Thank you very much.

New Amateur Licensees – July 2019

Western MA ARRL

Congratulations to the latest new hams of Western Massachusetts:

Brian M Rice, KC1LRP
56 Chestnut St
Apt 9A
Ware, MA 01082-1562

Daniel G Carboneau, KC1LRQ
67 Brookline Ave
Westfield, MA 01085-4344

Christopher W Neyland, KC1LRT
278 Walnut St
North Adams, MA 01247-3744

Jeremy T Bullock, KC1LQQ
36 Deanna Dr
Uxbridge, MA 01569-1445

Joseph Auger, KC1LQP
PO Box 20075
Worcester, MA 01602-0075

Dusko Dumanovic, AC1HX
49 Maple St
Milford, MA 01757-3650

David L Berger, KC1LRU
13 Emerson Ln
Milford, MA 01757-5126

Gerald W Beltran, KC1LKS
51 Loudville Rd
Florence, MA 01062-7500

John K Bourque, KC1LKT
124 Oklahoma St
Springfield, MA 01104-2942

Dennis H Clowes, KC1LNL
PO Box 1472
Warren, MA 01083-1472

Michael J Heilman, AC1HU
180 Elm St
Ste I
Pittsfield, MA 01201-6500

Michael A Ragusa, KC1LNZ
24 Glassworks Rd
Berkshire, MA 01224-9781

Daniel J Nietsche, KC1LNK
104 Cottage St
Greenfield, MA 01301-1445

George K Jones, KC1LQA
329 Jennison Rd
Wendell, MA 01379-7906

Peter B Janney, KC1LNU
7 Irving St
Westborough, MA 01581-2509

HamXposition at Boxboro / ARRL New England Division Convention

HamXposition at Boxboro
The ARRL New England Division Convention
September 6-8, 2019

Boxboro Regency Hotel & Conference Center,
Boxborough, Massachusetts

  • Top-notch Forums and Talks all three days
  • Large Exhibit Hall & Flea Market: Sat 9 AM to 5 PM & Sun 9 AM to 1 PM
  • Major prize drawings
  • Friday DXCC/Contesting Dinner featuring special guest Adrian Ciuperca, KO8SCA
  • Saturday Grand Banquet featuring Dan Barstow, KA1ARD, Senior Education Manager for the International Space Station National Lab
  • Ham Radio Bootcamp, designed to help newly licensed Technician and General’s to get on the air and use their Amateur Radio license
  • Post banquet fun – movie night – open mic storytelling – jam session
  • Jazz Band for Sunday Brunch
  • ARRL VE Exams
  • Tech-in-a-day™ license study course, $5 fee for materials and snacks
  • W1N special event station. Reserve your time at www.hamxposition.org/special-event-station

…and more!

Amateur Radio Exposition for Young People presented by the Nashua Area Radio Society, September 7th and 8th. This exposition will include many hands-on activities, videos, and displays about amateur radio and wireless communications, including:

  • Software Defined Radios
  • High-Altitude Balloons
  • Portable and Mobile stations
  • Emergency Communications
  • Fox-hunting

Purchase your tickets today online at www.hamxposition.org

Section Manager Report for August 2019

Hello everyone, I hope the summer is treating you well. The weather has certainly been cooperative for hanging around the beach, or pool, or just simply “chillin” at the ham shack working on your latest and greatest project.

This month has been fairly quiet activity-wise and that’s fine. I myself have been immersed in study for a couple of things. First is the Commercial Driver License course which I’m happy to say I now have my learner’s permit for that. The other is cramming to finally get my Extra license before the question pool changes again. Gee, it’s only taken me nearly ten years! I’m just having trouble getting to a passing score on the practice tests. The learner’s permit was a whole lot easier!

This month NoBARC will be having their annual hamfest in Adams on August 17th. Of course, the one coming up is the Northeast HamXposition / ARRL New England Convention in Boxboro on Sept 6,7,8 which is our “biggie” for the year. Tickets are on sale at the hamxposition.org website.

I will make this short and sweet. Quiet month’s means nothing much to gab about. Hope the rest of you summer goes well and hope to see you at one of the ‘fests’.

73 to all!

New Amateur Licensees – June 2019

Western MA ARRL

Congratulations to the latest new hams of Western Massachusetts:

Gerald W Beltran, KC1LKS
51 Loudville Rd
Florence, MA 01062-7500

John K Bourque, KC1LKT
124 Oklahoma St
Springfield, MA 01104-2942

Dennis H Clowes, KC1LNL
PO Box 1472
Warren, MA 01083-1472

Michael J Heilman, AC1HU
180 Elm St
Ste I
Pittsfield, MA 01201-6500

Michael A Ragusa, KC1LNZ
24 Glassworks Rd
Berkshire, MA 01224-9781

Daniel J Nietsche, KC1LNK
104 Cottage St
Greenfield, MA 01301-1445

George K Jones, KC1LQA
329 Jennison Rd
Wendell, MA 01379-7906

Peter B Janney, KC1LNU
7 Irving St
Westborough, MA 01581-2509

Pay It Forward!

Amateur Radio is a great avocation! It challenges us to improve ourselves in many ways. Where else could we learn and manipulate how the physical universe affects our radio performance through ionospheric propagation on different bands? We communicate with each other on opposite ends of the globe through various evolving operating modes, via orbiting satellites and even by bouncing signals off the moon. We improve our operating skills while enjoying contesting with other stations. Whether we realize it or not, all this expands our knowledge and improves our effectiveness … as COMMUNICATORS.

We personally gain much from Amateur Radio, and it offers us an opportunity to return the favor …. to PAY IT FORWARD … by assisting our communities in times of need. ARES, the Amateur Radio Emergency Service, is an ARRL program which does exactly that. ARES trains us to provide a communications conduit for our communities and agencies in emergency situations but also for local events that could benefit from effective communications.

The key word here is effective! We obviously must be effective in our technologies and radio skills; but it is critically important to effectively interface with those we serve. Our Post – 9/11 environment has driven government and healthcare organizations to adopt strict operational protocols such as the Incident Command System (ICS) and National Incident Management System (NIMS). Credentialing and Certification requirements are part of these protocols, and the ARRL has recently revamped ARES to comply with this, working with many groups such as the American Red Cross and FEMA to ensure ARES meets their current needs.

Training of ARES participants is a major factor required of us by external agencies, and it varies with the level of involvement the ARES member desires to participate on. The basic training involves locally provided sessions perhaps as part of a club meeting or event. Those who wish to get more involved will find that a few online courses will suffice (ICS, NIMS and ARRL introductory courses) to satisfy current ARES requirements. (Working onsite with certain organizations may require completing additional training required by that agency.)

ARES Section leadership officials (SEC, ASEC, DEC, EC) have a few additional online courses required. These are mandatory in order to participate in leadership positions. A 1-year period to complete relevant courses is allowed. All of us (myself included) will be held to these standards.

Over the past several months, many of you have expressed concerns about the training required for a ‘volunteer position’. I truly understand, but this is not something that is negotiable. Consider an example … would you want any volunteer firefighters or ambulance personnel without the training required by their departments responding to your needs in an emergency? I believe ARES holds a similar position.

It is critical to recognize that it’s not the ARRL imposing training on us …it is a compliance requirement of the organizations and agencies ARES serves.

Thanks to all for your support as we improve WMA ARES … and for paying it FORWARD as we move the organization in the same direction.

Vy 73
Bob Meneguzzo – K1YO
Section Emergency Coordinator WMA ARES Section

Section Manager Report for July 2019

Hello, I’m sure by now you have recovered from Field Day, tabulated your scores and feel good about what you accomplished this year. Regardless of outcome it should always have been a successful mission. Some of the clubs reported participation a little off this year. Tough to determine the reason why and it varies, but it makes me think. Are we getting older and tired? Have priorities changed? Are we bored? Tough to tell and I would say yes to all of them. We actually had 1 club that did not participate this year. I hope they will return next year. It is always best to do a after action debriefing to evaluate how the event performed and what could be improved.

One of the visits was at CMARA which is at the Aldrich Astronomy Field in Oakham. That is a great spot and it was buzzing with activity. Of course, around the “mess hall” where I found they have a killer feast there. But importantly there was a variety of activity there including satellite contact where there was over a dozen contacts made. FCARC had someone trying but this is a great thing to demonstrate to people as to what we can do with radio. Others there were trying out new antenna builds and the FT8 mode has been present at the sites also. Thanks to all who participated on a job well done by all.

Bob, K1YO has been hard at work on getting ARES put together and functioning as well. We now have a communication plan in place, and are still getting EC and DEC positions filled, but great progress is being made. Clubs can use this as some of the new hams coming in are getting their licenses largely for EMCOMM.

The July edition of QST has announced the nomination opening for the Western Mass section manager position. This is a 2-year term. In the ARRL site there are nomination instructions including a nomination signature form. I. myself am going to seek reelection, but anyone else is welcome to throw their hat into the ring.

With Field Day out of the way I am going to look at getting the Mentoring program more established and functional. I will be looking for the Tech Specialist’s to reach out to the clubs and make them more aware that this recourse is available to them and to encourage others to volunteer for this position as well.

With summer now upon us and great weather is here, it is a great time to get out there and do something radio related like contacting someone doing SOTA or IOTA, trying out a new field antenna, etc. I myself will be testing and trimming single band dipoles I have built as well as starting my trailer project. It’s not all about radio, spend time with friends and family too!

73 to all!