HCRA Remote Licensing Class Starting February 2021

The Hampden County Radio Association will be running an Online Technician Licensing Class starting this February.  The classes will be conducted over Zoom.

The class will run weekly for 5 weeks on Wednesday evenings from 7 PM to 9 PM.  The class will start on February 3 and conclude on March 3.

For more details or to register for the class, please see the sign up form on the HCRA website.

Please spread the word!

Calling all VE’s and Teachers

Hello, the Western Mass section needs your help! As you know COVID has squashed most of the classes and testing sessions this year. I have been informed by Ken Burstall WB8PKK that the Masonic Hall in Gardner has a new air filtration system and is allowing us the use of their dining hall to host a Tech-in-a-day course and an open and walk in VE session. We need volunteer teacher’s and VE’s to assist in conducting the testing and teachings. There are also 25 Boafeng radio’s preprogrammed for those that have passed.

This will be in compliance with the guidelines of the Board of Health and testing materials will be sterilized using UV-C process and heat-sealed bags. Ken has provided the materials for sterilization and has provided the means to get this off the ground. 
Session dates are open and can be either a Saturday or Sunday in January or February. We need to know who can participate to do what and when in order to secure the date to advertise. Please contact Ken at backhoeken@yahoo.com. This invitation will also be open to our EMA neighbors as well.

Thank you, Ken, for your generous effort and donation. Please pass this along to anyone interested. And please let’s not let this opportunity pass by.

Thank you,

HCRA Tech Class Starting in March

The Hampden County Radio Association is holding a weekend Tech Class license session over March 21 & 22. Classes run 8 am thru 6 pm Saturday. 8 am thru 2 or 3 pm Sunday with testing immediately after.

Cost is $35 and includes the book and lunch on Sunday. Bottled water will be available on both days.

Location is the room where the HCRA holds it’s monthly meetings, the Auxiliary room at Holyoke Hospital. (http://www.hcra.org/meeting-location/).

You must register and prepay for the class so you can get your book before
the class begins.

A sign up form is at http://www.hcra.org/licensing-classes/

Please spread the word!

FCARC Offering General Licensing Class

The Franklin County Amateur Radio Club is offering a General Class licensing course for those looking to upgrade from Technician Class amateur radio licenses.

Keep in mind that the General Class license question pool will be updated on July 1 of this year, so if you’ve been studying with the current question pool, now is a good time to get licensed before the question pool changes.

The course will cost $15 and will start on March 25 and will run Monday and Wednesday evenings from 6 PM to 9 PM for three weeks (for a total of six sessions). The classes will be held at the Greenfield Community College.

Please use the web sign up form to register for this course.

Best of luck to all of FCARC’s students!

HAMCRAM Pittsfield April 21/22

Peter Mattice KD2JKV and Rich Hall KC1BYD are leading up a “HAMCRAM” license-in-a-weekend session in Pittsfield on April 21 and 22, 2018.

The session will be held in Studio K at Pittsfield Community TV at 4 Fedrico Drive in Pittsfield.  The class will run April 21 from 8 AM to 5 PM and April 22 from 8 AM till noon.  The North Berkshire Amateur Radio Club‘s VE team will provide an exam session at 1 PM on the 22nd, after the class and a lunch break.

There is a $30 registration fee, which includes the class, lunch and exam.  Sign-up is on available on kd2nsa.org but walk-ins are welcome.

Peter and Rich also looking for teachers and camera people since Pittsfield Community TV will be recording the class for air.

For more information, contact Peter KD2JV or Rich KC1BYD.