ARRL HQ Seeking Emergency Management Director


This is a repost from the national ARRL website.  We’re reposting it since it might be possible for Western MA to be employed at League HQ and commute in to work each day.

ARRL is seeking an emergency management director to oversee a team responsible for supporting ARRL emergency communication programs and services, including the Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES®) and National Traffic System (NTS), and to work with staff to develop standards, protocols, and processes designed to support the Field Organization. This is a full-time, exempt position at ARRL Headquarters in Newington, Connecticut.

This individual would serve as the official point of contact and liaison to key partners and other served agencies at the regional and national level. Duties would include representing ARRL at served agency and partner meetings, conventions, and exercises as well as organizing and providing presentations for various relevant audiences.

The emergency management director will oversee and manage the ARRL Emergency Preparedness Department and its support of the Field Organization that includes but is not limited to soliciting, training, and maintaining an ARRL Headquarters Emergency Response Team; creating, soliciting, or editing content for publications and electronic media; administering the Ham Aid program, and working with key partners to establish plans, protocols, and procedures for incorporating Amateur Radio in their emergency response plans.

Applicants should possess leadership ability as well as excellent written, interpersonal, and communication skills, and should hold an Amateur Radio license of General class or higher. Applicants should have at least 10 years’ experience in emergency management or equivalent. A bachelor’s degree or equivalent experience in emergency management is required. Certifications from NIMS, FEMA, or International Association of Emergency Managers are preferred.

Frequent domestic and occasional international travel would be required.

See the job posting for complete details on this position and how to apply.

Section Manager Report for September 2019


Hello everyone, I held off this month’s report to include Boxboro’s Hamfest which if you missed it, shame on you!

Boxboro provided pretty much the usual cast of characters and events. Most of the outdoor flea vendors were a little worried with Dorian dumping its remnants in the area but, luckily it left us at 6 am and the sun broke out and went into a great day. Some of us turned a great shade of red as a result. The flea market actually looked better than last year on Sunday as they migrate to the hamfest in Albany NY.

There was a great selection of forums that unfortunately doing the flea market restricts me from attending them and I wish Sunday was just as good to go to them. Oh well! I will point out that our SEC, Bob K1YO co hosted an SEC forum with Rob Macedo and others and soon after that I was receiving many compliments on how great his part of the talk was! Bob has continued to impress. I can’t thank him enough for the effort he has done for our section. Next time you see him do the same!

On a personal note I had really one item I needed to accomplish and after 9 years finally achieved it, and that was get my Extra Class License upgrade. It’s surprising how a few pieces of paper can get someone so nerved up! But now it’s out of the way. Time to enjoy the privileges!

I do not know if it is just me, but I noticed QST has been later than normal. The last copy I got was a bit ruffled up. I did get and email from someone reporting the same. If you are getting them damaged or late, let the league know as well as myself.

One other thing, by a unanimous decision, (no one else stepped up!) I was elected to a second term as your Section Leader. So, the good thing is we can keep going on getting our section where it should be. I have a project or two in the works going on and am always looking for positions to be filled to round out our staff. Please give it a thought and join in the fun. It really is not rocket science. (Except for the tech specialists! Hi-hi)

That’s enough gab for this round. Many clubs are starting their new season. Keep me posted as to what activities are going on. Some clubs do a great job of doing that and would love to see more.

Have a great one!

More WECT Public Service Events

The Worcester Emergency Communications Team is looking for ham radio operators to assist with two more upcoming public service events.  Both of these events are out of WECT’s normal operational area.

The Buzzard’s Bay Triathlon in Westport on Sunday, September 15th. It occurs from 9 AM (hams will meet at 8 AM) until about 1 PM (some assignments should secure by noon). It will be held in Horseneck Beach State Park and includes a swim, bike and run that travels through the town of Westport. There is also a duathlon option. It is a very scenic area.

The Ride to Defeat ALS on Sunday September 22 from 6 AM to around 3 PM (depending on assignment).This is a low key event with the primary focus being on charity rather than racing. The 70 mile bicycle course begins at the Longfellow club in Wayland and continues through several towns with rest stops in Hudson, Bolton, Acton, Concord, and Sudbury. While the race runs from 6AM to 3PM, some stations open as late as 9AM and some close as early as 11AM. Operators working at a course station can report directly to their station. Lunch is provided for operators in Wayland. There will be two roving race vehicles that will require a mobile radio.

If you are interested in participating, please send an email to and let them know if you have UHF equipment with DCS / DPL.

Title 9 Women’s Only Triathlon

The Worcester Emergency Communications Team is looking for about a dozen hams to provide communications assistance for the Title 9 Women’s Only Triathlon in Hopkinton on Sunday, September 8th.

This event is sold out, so it will be busy. It occurs from about 7am to Noon (some assignments should secure as early as 9:30am, and most by 11am). It will be held in Hopkinton State Park and includes a swim, bike and run that travels through Hopkinton, Southboro and Ashland.

If you are interested in participating, please send an email to and let them know if you have UHF equipment with DCS / DPL.

Northeast HamXPosition 2019 This Weekend

Visit the ARRL booth at HamXposition
The ARRL New England Division Convention

Boxborough, Massachusetts
September 6-8, 2019 (exhibit hall open Sat & Sun only)

  • Join ARRL or extend your membership and get a FREE gift.
  • Meet ARRL staff including Convention and Event Coordinator Eric Casey, KC2ERC and Ally Flynn, KM3AF, of ARRL’s Lifelong Learning Department. Learn about the ARRL Education & Technology Program, and opportunities to support, and participate in, the Teachers Institute on Wireless Technology.
  • Explore the entire convention: forums, indoor exhibit hall, flea market, youth activities and more.
  • Attend the ARRL Forum presented by New England Division Director Fred Hopengarten, K1VR, Saturday 1 PM.
  • Print or save this email reminder!
  • For more information, go to

New Amateur Licensees – August 2019

Western MA ARRL

Congratulations to the latest new hams of Western Massachusetts:

Brian M Rice, KC1LRP
56 Chestnut St
Apt 9A
Ware, MA 01082-1562

Scott J Chapman, KC1LTY
PO Box 1094
Belchertown, MA 01007-1094

David Lutz, KC1LVL
PO Box 606
Goshen, MA 01032-0606

Zachary J O Brien, KC1LTX
615 Burts Pit Rd
Florence, MA 01062-3674

Leonard L Bechan, KC1LVE
333 E Hill Rd
Oakham, MA 01068-9745

Mark C Rosen, KC1LVD
223 Egremont Plain Rd
Great Barrington, MA 01230-2284

Patrick J Bradley, KC1LVC
34 Hawthorne Ave
North Adams, MA 01247-3133

Todd K Sanders, KC1LUB
203 Bean Porridge Hill Rd
Westminster, MA 01473-1148

Brydon W Harmon, KC1LTZ
15 Rockwell Dr
Shrewsbury, MA 01545-4066

Daniel G Carboneau, KC1LRQ
67 Brookline Ave
Westfield, MA 01085-4344

Christopher W Neyland, KC1LRT
278 Walnut St
North Adams, MA 01247-3744

Jeremy T Bullock, KC1LQQ
36 Deanna Dr
Uxbridge, MA 01569-1445

Joseph Auger, KC1LQP
PO Box 20075
Worcester, MA 01602-0075

Dusko Dumanovic, AC1HX
49 Maple St
Milford, MA 01757-3650

David L Berger, KC1LRU
13 Emerson Ln
Milford, MA 01757-5126

Gerald W Beltran, KC1LKS
51 Loudville Rd
Florence, MA 01062-7500

John K Bourque, KC1LKT
124 Oklahoma St
Springfield, MA 01104-2942

Dennis H Clowes, KC1LNL
PO Box 1472
Warren, MA 01083-1472

Michael J Heilman, AC1HU
180 Elm St
Ste I
Pittsfield, MA 01201-6500

Michael A Ragusa, KC1LNZ
24 Glassworks Rd
Berkshire, MA 01224-9781

Daniel J Nietsche, KC1LNK
104 Cottage St
Greenfield, MA 01301-1445

George K Jones, KC1LQA
329 Jennison Rd
Wendell, MA 01379-7906

Peter B Janney, KC1LNU
7 Irving St
Westborough, MA 01581-2509

Error in QST Convention and Hamfest Calendar

Steve Ewald, WV1X, Supervisor, ARRL Field Organization Team writes:
We want to let everyone know about the error in the September QST Convention and Hamfest Calendar.  There will not be a hamfest in Windsor, Maine, on September 22.   The Windsor hamfest was already held on July 27.   
Thank you very much.

New Amateur Licensees – July 2019

Western MA ARRL

Congratulations to the latest new hams of Western Massachusetts:

Brian M Rice, KC1LRP
56 Chestnut St
Apt 9A
Ware, MA 01082-1562

Daniel G Carboneau, KC1LRQ
67 Brookline Ave
Westfield, MA 01085-4344

Christopher W Neyland, KC1LRT
278 Walnut St
North Adams, MA 01247-3744

Jeremy T Bullock, KC1LQQ
36 Deanna Dr
Uxbridge, MA 01569-1445

Joseph Auger, KC1LQP
PO Box 20075
Worcester, MA 01602-0075

Dusko Dumanovic, AC1HX
49 Maple St
Milford, MA 01757-3650

David L Berger, KC1LRU
13 Emerson Ln
Milford, MA 01757-5126

Gerald W Beltran, KC1LKS
51 Loudville Rd
Florence, MA 01062-7500

John K Bourque, KC1LKT
124 Oklahoma St
Springfield, MA 01104-2942

Dennis H Clowes, KC1LNL
PO Box 1472
Warren, MA 01083-1472

Michael J Heilman, AC1HU
180 Elm St
Ste I
Pittsfield, MA 01201-6500

Michael A Ragusa, KC1LNZ
24 Glassworks Rd
Berkshire, MA 01224-9781

Daniel J Nietsche, KC1LNK
104 Cottage St
Greenfield, MA 01301-1445

George K Jones, KC1LQA
329 Jennison Rd
Wendell, MA 01379-7906

Peter B Janney, KC1LNU
7 Irving St
Westborough, MA 01581-2509

HamXposition at Boxboro / ARRL New England Division Convention

HamXposition at Boxboro
The ARRL New England Division Convention
September 6-8, 2019

Boxboro Regency Hotel & Conference Center,
Boxborough, Massachusetts

  • Top-notch Forums and Talks all three days
  • Large Exhibit Hall & Flea Market: Sat 9 AM to 5 PM & Sun 9 AM to 1 PM
  • Major prize drawings
  • Friday DXCC/Contesting Dinner featuring special guest Adrian Ciuperca, KO8SCA
  • Saturday Grand Banquet featuring Dan Barstow, KA1ARD, Senior Education Manager for the International Space Station National Lab
  • Ham Radio Bootcamp, designed to help newly licensed Technician and General’s to get on the air and use their Amateur Radio license
  • Post banquet fun – movie night – open mic storytelling – jam session
  • Jazz Band for Sunday Brunch
  • ARRL VE Exams
  • Tech-in-a-day™ license study course, $5 fee for materials and snacks
  • W1N special event station. Reserve your time at

…and more!

Amateur Radio Exposition for Young People presented by the Nashua Area Radio Society, September 7th and 8th. This exposition will include many hands-on activities, videos, and displays about amateur radio and wireless communications, including:

  • Software Defined Radios
  • High-Altitude Balloons
  • Portable and Mobile stations
  • Emergency Communications
  • Fox-hunting

Purchase your tickets today online at

Section Manager Report for August 2019

Hello everyone, I hope the summer is treating you well. The weather has certainly been cooperative for hanging around the beach, or pool, or just simply “chillin” at the ham shack working on your latest and greatest project.

This month has been fairly quiet activity-wise and that’s fine. I myself have been immersed in study for a couple of things. First is the Commercial Driver License course which I’m happy to say I now have my learner’s permit for that. The other is cramming to finally get my Extra license before the question pool changes again. Gee, it’s only taken me nearly ten years! I’m just having trouble getting to a passing score on the practice tests. The learner’s permit was a whole lot easier!

This month NoBARC will be having their annual hamfest in Adams on August 17th. Of course, the one coming up is the Northeast HamXposition / ARRL New England Convention in Boxboro on Sept 6,7,8 which is our “biggie” for the year. Tickets are on sale at the website.

I will make this short and sweet. Quiet month’s means nothing much to gab about. Hope the rest of you summer goes well and hope to see you at one of the ‘fests’.

73 to all!